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How it keeps us healthy and how to prevent deficiency

Zinc is a particularly important trace element for the human body. Too little of it has negative health consequences, such as slowed growth, weak immune system, increased fatigue, hair loss, poor skin condition and sleep quality.

But what role exactly does zinc play in maintaining health? What are the symptoms of zinc deficiency? And how can you get enough zinc from your diet? Dr. Ou Hanwen, a doctor specializing in integrative medicine and clinical nutrition at the University of Maryland, recently answered these questions in „Health 1+1“a health program on the television channel NTDTV.

According to Ou, zinc is for hundreds Enzymes essential in the human body; it maintains their functions. Zinc plays a role from pregnancy through infancy, childhood and adolescence indispensable role for health and growth.

Key functions of zinc

Zinc supports a variety of physiological functions and is present in all body tissues.

1. Immune system support

Almost all immune cells rely heavily on zinc for their proper functioning. Both a deficiency and an excess can damage the immune system.

2. Protein and DNA synthesis

Zinc is used for the Synthesis of DNAwhich requires cell division, cell growth, the production of proteins and the metabolism of macronutrients. It is also crucial for the development and function of most body systems.

3. Wound healing and tissue repair

Zinc plays an important role in regulating various stages of the wound healing process. These range from membrane repair and coagulation to inflammation, immune defense, new blood vessel formation and scarring.

4. Taste perception

When eating and smelling, the organs must send chemical signals to the brain to determine what is being eaten and smelled. Zinc is important on several levels taste perception involved, including in the taste buds, the nerves that transmit taste signals, and in the brain.

5. Maintenance of the reproductive system

Zinc plays in all of them Stages of human reproduction a role, from spermatogenesis to the birth of the child. Several Studies According to the study, a mother’s zinc levels influence the health and development of her child during pregnancy, birth and shortly after delivery. It also has an impact on maternal and infant mortality.

6. Cancer prevention

According to one Study from 2023 A disruption in the zinc balance can contribute to the development of cancer. Although the results of different studies vary, they all point to a connection between the degree of zinc dysregulation in cells and various types of cancer.

Symptoms of zinc deficiency

Due to its numerous functions in the body, a Zinkmangel affecting many different body systems, organs and tissues. In a normally healthy person who does not get enough zinc from their diet, this is common following symptoms on:

Growth may slow in children and delayed puberty may occur in adolescents.

Zinc-rich foods

Since the human body cannot store zinc, the trace element must be continuously consumed through the diet. According to Ou, foods high in zinc include:

  • raw oysters (highest zinc content with 39.3 milligrams per 100 grams),
  • beef, lamb, chicken, pork,
  • fish and crabs,
  • milk and dairy products,
  • grains and nuts.

As long as a person eats healthily, there will usually be no deficiency, Ou added. However, some people’s bodies cannot absorb zinc well, which can lead to a deficiency.

Groups particularly at risk from zinc deficiency

For this reason, certain populations may have difficulty meeting their zinc needs. Here are some groups that often have problems with zinc intake and absorption:

  • Patients with gastrointestinal diseases or after bariatric surgery (e.g. stomach reduction): Corresponding diseases and inflammations can lead to insufficient zinc intake through food, reduced absorption or increased excretion in the urine.
  • Patients with celiac disease (an autoimmune disease caused by gluten intolerance): There is inflammation of the mucous membranes and the body has difficulty absorbing zinc.
  • Vegetarians and vegans: With these diets, less zinc is available than with a diet containing meat and animal products.
  • Pregnant or breastfeeding women: The need for zinc increases during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Pregnant women need to consume 3 milligrams more zinc every day. For women who are breastfeeding, the need increases by an additional 4 milligrams per day.
  • Older infants who are exclusively breastfed: The concentration of zinc in breast milk peaks in the first month after birth and then gradually decreases. From the age of six months, infants who are still exclusively breastfed do not absorb enough zinc to meet their needs.
  • Children with sickle cell anemia (disease of the red blood cells): This disease is often treated with chelation therapy. This can affect zinc absorption.
  • Alcoholic: Alcohol consumption reduces zinc absorption and increases zinc excretion in urine.

Dietary supplement with zinc

While zinc supplements can be useful, they should not be taken in excess, warns Ou. Because one Overdose can cause toxic reactions such as indigestion, nausea, vomiting, headaches, fatigue and suppression of immune function.

According to the, the daily upper limit for zinc intake is German Society for Nutrition 25 milligrams daily for adults. The recommended daily amount for women aged 19 and over is 7 to 10 milligrams and for men 11 to 16 milligrams.

Therefore, zinc supplementation should only be carried out on the advice of a doctor or nutritionist and should not exceed the recommended daily dose. In order not to cause toxic reactions, one should also avoid long-term excessive supplementation. It is better to always ensure a balanced zinc intake in the diet than to rely solely on supplements, Ou concluded.

This article does not replace medical advice. If you have any health questions, please contact your doctor or pharmacist.

First appeared on theepochtimes.com under the title „Zinc Deficiency Leads to Health Problems: Boost Your Diet With These Zinc-Rich Foods“. (editorial processing as)

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