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How is the new variant of the covid ‘dog from hell’, which is already expanding in Europe

Since it was detected coronavirusthe SARS-CoV-2 it is mutated to survive and, therefore, includes several variants. The first and deadliest was the Alpha and what has dominated for months in Spain and the whole world is omicron and, in particular, its BA.4 and BA.5 lineages. The virus feel comfortable inside cold and the cases of covid They stand out all over the world during this time of year. Plus, they make it through two new subvariants: the BQ.1 and the BQ.1.1. The problem is not that the virus keeps mutating, which is normal, but that the authorities estimate that the new strains will cause the 50% of infections in Europe between the end of the month and the beginning of December. given his high transmissibilitythe BQ.1.1 has become popularly referred to as ‘Hellhounds‘. And, of course, this name strikes fear into anyone’s body.

The Health and Emergency Alert Coordination Center (CCAES) issued an update report on Nov. 7 of the epidemiological situation of covid variants in Spain. Random projections using PCR extension in the autonomous communities showed that the BA.4 and BA.5 lineages caused between 90.7% and 100% of infections between 24 and 30 October.

However, the document warns of the “rapid growth rate” of the BQ.1 variant and its derivative, the BQ.1.1 in other European countriesdubbed by scientists as Typhoon yes Cerberus, respectively. The Minister of Health, Caroline Dariareported on 3 November before Health and Consumers Commission of the Congress of Deputies that the infections from this sublineage supposes the 2.7% of total cases in the country.

How does Cerberus go from being called a “hell hound”?

The name change of this strain is all over the social media and media outlets. In the Greek mythologyCerberus was the dog with three heads god hades in the underworldhence the eventual nickname “hell hound”.

Net of what happens at the end of the month and in December, the first data show that his landing in Spain is serene. Of course, we have to look to Europe, as in some countries it already represents the 37.5% of the positives.

Symptoms of “Hellhound” and Typhoon

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According to the experts, the subvariants BQ.1 and BQ.1.1 contain changes that make it difficult for the immune system recognize and neutralize the virus. That’s why they have higher transmissibility, whether people are vaccinated or not. In this sense, it is not yet known how much punctures protect against covid.

The symptoms of Gancebero and Typhoon are similar to those of the previous ones. It is, after all, a mutation of the omicron variant. Therefore, the most common signs of infection are fever, cough, sore throat, fatigue, general malaise and body aches, stuffy and runny nose, headache, choking sensation and loss of smell and taste.

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