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How is the image of Javier Milei and who is in charge of the front POLITICS El Intransigente

Despite the deep economic crisis that the country is going through, the president Javier Miley continues to provide important support to citizens, according to a recent study by the private consulting firm Team Measuresheld between September 2 and 6. The study shows that, although Milei’s image is divided, it maintains its 48% positive imagewhile the 51% of respondents have a negative opinion about his management. For his part, the opposition continues on an erratic course led by Cristina Kirchner.

This support is special if one considers the context of economic change implemented by the libertarian administration. Even the style and special forms of mercyside which is rejected by the 62% of respondentsit does not appear to be a major obstacle to his popular support.

Problem solving ability

One of the most interesting data from the survey is the opinion of the Milei’s ability to solve the country’s problems. And 49% of those interviewed believe that the president has the ability to face national challengessurpassing his positive image to a point. This increase shows that, despite criticism of his style, the narrative of conflict with the political “caste” is still effective in maintaining the support of a large part of the electorate.

And 21% of respondents He believes that Milei knows how to solve Argentina’s problems, but that he is facing obstacles from the traditional political class, which reinforces the polarization that his government has had.

The acephaly in the presentation

In contrast, the study reveals a lack of clear leadership in the opposition. Although the former president Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner seen as the main opponent with a 20% supportthe real winner in this category is the “None” box, because the 50% of those surveyed believe that the opposition is headless.

Governor of Buenos Aires, Axel Kicillofclosely follows Fernández de Kirchner with a 18%but the rest of the opposition figures appear behind. Juan Grabois and the former Minister of the Economy Sergio Massa record only one 3% support eachwhile Martin Lousteau reaching a 2%and the ruler of Cordoba Juan Schiaretti just a 1%.

The cabinet and Victoria Villarruel

The study also assessed the profile of key members of the national cabinet and the vice president Victoria Villarruelwho appears as the most valuable figure in the president’s environment. Villarruel has a 51% positive imagesurpassing even the president himself.

In second place is the Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrichwith a 47% advanced gradewhile the president’s spokesman Manuel Adorni complete the podium with a 41%.

These results confirm that, although the economic situation remains critical, Milei’s government has a strong base of support, partly due to the lack of a clear and transparent challenge that could lead to social discontent . With figures like Villarruel and Bullrich standing out within the cabinet, it seems that the president maintains a high-profile team that will strengthen his image in front of the voters.

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