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how is the hospital of Saint-Pierre et Miquelon handling the crisis

The director of the hospital center François Dunan was this Thursday morning the guest of our editorial staff. Patrick Lambruschini returned to the management of the health crisis by evoking tests, septaines or vaccination.

A race against time

As soon as the first positive cases for Covid-19 were detected on January 22, Patrick Lambruschini had to react very quickly within the hospital. Triggering of white plan and mass testing campaign to contain the spread of the virus.

Read also: Covid-19: Saint-Pierre et Miquelon hospital at the heart of the testing campaign

With hindsight, he salutes the responsiveness of his teams and all the players concerned by praising “incredible mutual aid“. He thus believes that the chains of contamination have been traced back by the Territorial Health Administration which identified the contact cases.

I can’t predict the future“, he adds during this interview,”but it’s encouraging“, given the many negative tests in recent days.

“We understood that it was a race against time”

Patrick Lambruschini, director of the François Dunan hospital center

Prudent inventory management

While the hospital teams are actively preparing to organize the new phases of testing in record time next weekend and the following, Patrick Lambruschini said he was waiting for the arrival of more than 1,000 PCR tests from the metropolis.

Read also: PCR samples sent to Halifax to keep a stock of security reagents in Saint-Pierre and Miquelon

This week, samples had to be sent for analysis to Halifax, Nova Scotia, “to avoid stock shortage“, confirms the Director of the hospital center, according to whom, there are only 70 PCR tests left in the archipelago.

If the territory can also count on antigenic tests, Patrick Lambruschini hopes him especially “get out of the most critical area“in terms of the spread of the virus,”if the next weekends go well“.

Missions and septaines

During this interview, the director of the hospital center also reviewed the situation in the village of Miquelon and the new organization of its medical center “so that patients do not cross paths on the premises“.

As for future missions, some are already compromised. That of the ophthalmologist was postponed and that of the neurologist could be canceled.

The rest will depend on the evolution of the health situation“, explains Patrick Lambruschini, half-heartedly regretting the end of the equipped septaines which could facilitate the arrival of specialist doctors in the archipelago, provided that”missionaries strictly respect their obligations“.

The Director of the hospital center also condemns the behavior at the origin of the cluster which concerns its establishment: “I deplore it and we are as angry as those who express themselves on TV or on social networks. There was an error which I hope will not recur

“We are as angry as those who express themselves on TV or on social networks.”

Patrick Lambruschini, director of the hospital center

Vaccination to obtain immunity

Finally, there was talk of the vaccination campaign which should begin in the territory “between mid-February and the end of February“, as soon as the vaccines arrive.

Health professionals will be the first to be concentrated before people at risk take over, then the entire major population of the archipelago, which represents around 5,000 individuals.

But it will still be necessary to convince the recalcitrant. Patrick Lambruschini concedes that this is a “subject delicate“, but according to him,”it is necessary to be vaccinated to obtain the immunity of the territory“.

For now, this is the only solution“, he continues before suggesting that this could allow”one day perhaps to reopen to the Atlantic bubble“.

> Click here to listen to the full interview that Patrick Lambruschini gave to Marie Daoudal.

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