According to the latest estimates, cases of chronic kidney disease are increasing rapidly, and this deadly disease can be avoided by adopting the habit of regular check-ups. And when the kidneys are affected, the body’s ability to filter blood and remove excess water is impeded, and at first, symptoms of kidney disease do not appear, however, Constant discomfort in the abdomen can be an important sign of the emergence of health problems in the kidneys, the amount of toxic substances and fluids in the body begins to increase, and kidney disorders can cause problems such as weakness, inability to sleep, difficulty breathing and swelling of the body.
Hemodialysis at home
In the wake of the Corona epidemic, much has changed in the approach of the surrounding healthcare facilities, according to a recent report by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) By location ” onlymyhealth“Patients who suffer from chronic kidney disease and its accompanying diseases, there are many weak immunity, which leads to increased exposure to the virus, but what about people who need regular dialysis? This current situation is undoubtedly not suitable for patients for those who are Safe from COVID-19 At least because of the many bans on visiting any hospital at any given time. Also, the fear of transmitting the virus is such that most patients avoid visiting hospitals, even for dialysis.
What is peritoneal dialysis? How is this done at home
This treatment for dialysis is performed without a needle to restore kidney function, and for peritoneal dialysis, a catheter is placed in the abdomen and the end of it is left outside the abdomen, and this is done with the help of a small surgery that is performed before the start of dialysis.
For peritoneal dialysis, salt and other additives are given through the catheter to the abdomen, and the cyst can be closed once it is emptied of the solution, and the catheter can be removed. First, the catheter helps remove excess fluid and waste from the body.
The solution helps to absorb the excess fluid in the body, and the remnants of the dialysis solution can be disposed of in the basin or drainage, and every time a new bag is used to perform the same procedure, each process takes up to 30-40 minutes and is performed with an interval of 4-5 Hours or more.
Healthy tips for taking care of your kidneys
As we know the current situation, such judgments are the need of the hour because they give more freedom to those undergoing dialysis to receive treatment without any fear. Family members who take care of treatment at home should ensure they wash their hands frequently to avoid the risk of infection.
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