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How is coronavirus in people with asthma. Reedus

An international team of scientists published a study stating that asthma probably does not increase the risk of disease severity in coronavirus:

As before, coronavirus is a dangerous disease for the elderly, people with oncology and chronic diseases, diabetes, obesity. But asthma, apparently, does not particularly affect the way the coronavirus proceeds.

Now many specialists are studying the severity of coronavirus in people with various diseases. WHO warns people with chronic diseases, such as asthma, about the need to follow all the rules of personal hygiene and social distance.

Social distance and self-isolation help not only in the prevention of viral diseases, but also in containing various allergy triggers. For example, someone reacts to dust, pollen, flowering plants etc.

Recent data show that during a pandemic, people began to be more careful about taking asthma medications. Inhaled corticosteroids, which are commonly used to protect against asthma attacks, can increase the ability of the virus to enter the body, scientists say.

Studies have also shown that steroids can reduce the body’s immune response and worsen the inflammatory response. For example, steroids delay the elimination of SARS from the respiratory tract and, thus, in the case of coronavirus, can increase the chances of a severe outcome of the disease.

With age, a person’s susceptibility to COVID-19 infection and its severity increase. Among people with asthma, there are a lot of young people who suffer mainly from allergic inflammation, while older people who experience the same type of airway inflammation can also suffer from more severe eosinophilic asthma.

In these cases, people experience abnormally high levels such as white blood cells, they help the body fight infection, which can cause inflammation in the airways, sinuses and lower respiratory tract, potentially making them more at risk for a serious case of COVID-19.

In addition, an enzyme attached to cell membranes in the lungs, arteries, heart, kidneys, and intestines, which has been shown to be the entry point for SARS-CoV-2 into cells, increases in response to the virus.

If SARS-CoV-2 is a disease that causes dysfunction in cells, then for people with asthma it is not as bad as for patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system and diabetes. Older people with asthmaas a rule, have the diseases listed above.

The findings suggest that people with asthma carry the coronavirus in much the same way as other people. However, older people with this disease are at particular risk due to a combination of factors concluded authors of the work.

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