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How Individual Zodiac Signs Experience Christmas: A Child’s Perspective

You probably remember it from your childhood: the bell rang, everyone ran to the Christmas tree – it was shining and there was a pile of beautiful presents under it. After all, Jesus has come! But every child experiences Christmas differently. Some enjoy the attention of the whole family, others are stressed because of the change in the daily rhythm. Some are happy with the gifts and immediately rush to unwrap others, others are a little scared by the hype and act much more cautiously. How are the individual zodiac signs doing?

Beran (21. 3. – 20. 4.)

The little Aries will throw themselves at the Christmas tree like a tornado. As soon as the bell ringing announcing Jesus, nothing stops them and they would prefer to catch him themselves and never let go. They tear the wrapping paper with such vigor as if there is no tomorrow, unwrapping one package after another and fully enjoying new stimuli and toys. They may be overwhelmed by all the new additions and won’t know what to play with first. Don’t overdo it and don’t give them too many gifts, it’s already quite demanding with the attention of Aries, so don’t overload them…

Taurus (April 21 – May 21)

Little Tauruses approach Christmas as they approach everything in life: with caution and balance. They first examine and weigh everything carefully, carefully go around the tree and smell it, and only then do they start unpacking – preferably accompanied by their favorite adult. The whole thing is after all unusual and unknown, so caution is in order. That is, as long as it’s not about food. If you put a plate of Christmas cookies or potato salad in front of Býčky, they don’t know each other. These kids are gourmets and will definitely enjoy these holiday treats.

Photo: Anna Brusnicyna, Shutterstock.com

Sweet Christmas… Who could resist fragrant candy! And any child who doesn’t like sweets will really enjoy potato salad Photo: Anna Brusnicyna, Shutterstock.com

Gemini (May 22 – June 21)

For little Geminis, the best thing about Christmas is how much they see their favorite people. They belong to a small group of individuals who really enjoy visits from relatives, and their warm smile will make every grandmother and aunt happy. They also enjoy the buzz around the preparations, they watch everything with inquisitive eyes and are happy to be in the middle of the action. But only until they get tired and stretch. Then he puts on his other face, starts screaming, and Christmas is suddenly the worst in the world. Be careful, all children’s moods change, but Gemini’s can change extremely quickly.

Rak (22. 6. – 22. 7.)

Little Cancers like Christmas in peace and with their family. Of course, it cannot be said that these children do not enjoy new toys and other gifts. But what they prefer is that they are suddenly all at home and spend more time together than ever before. Joint trips, walks and sitting with Christmas stories are extremely valuable to them and they can look forward to these moments all year long. You will also succeed if you want to involve them in the preparations: bake gingerbread with them, decorate a tree or make wreaths. Rats will be happy to join you and they will enjoy it.

Lev (23. 7. – 22. 8.)

Little Lions take Christmas as an opportunity to shine: they often rehearse some carols or a toy show, which they then perform for the whole family, waiting for a standing ovation. And they will definitely be the first to enter the room with a decorated Christmas tree and then distribute gifts to the whole family. Lion cubs enjoy the holidays as long as they revolve around them. Once they are not the center of attention, the lion’s roar begins. In addition, it is absolutely essential for them not to lose anything, so if you want to make them happy (and give yourself peace of mind), cancel the convenience store on Christmas Day.

Photo: Minnikova Mariia, Shutterstock.com

Regardless of the sign, children love gifts from Santa and will remember the home Christmas atmosphere for a lifetime Photo: Minnikova Mariia, Shutterstock.com

Panna (23. 8. – 22. 9.)

For little Virgos, Christmas is sometimes too much chaos, which disrupts their otherwise organized daily schedule, which they are used to and carefully follow. Everything is suddenly upside down and just different. And it doesn’t matter that the lights are pretty and the food is good and the gifts are wonderful. Virgos will probably feel insecure and the whole festive atmosphere will throw them off their feet a bit. Help them process everything around them and stand by them so they can really enjoy the holidays.

Libra (September 23 – October 23)

Little Libras love presents, and so they love Christmas. Unwrapping the gift from Santa will be an incredible experience for them, which they will complete with bright eyes and an enthusiastic smile. They thoroughly touch each paper and look at how the gifts are wrapped, and then spend a long time examining each package. You’ll probably get them so excited that they’ll put the entire batch on their bed because they can’t part with it so soon. In short, they are huge lovers of the Christmas holidays and enjoy everything connected with them.

Scorpio (October 24 – November 22)

Little Scorpios look a little distrustful at the holidays. As well as everything that they don’t have perfectly folded and thought out. They don’t like unknown situations where something could surprise them, so Christmas represents a certain threat to them. They approach gifts and Santa with caution and probably let someone else try them first. A flood of relatives, whom they don’t see as often, can also lead Prky out of the concept. And if, in addition, you fry carp for them, which is never on the table, you will actually deprive them of the last certainty. Treat them like gloves until they get used to them.

Photo: Jacob Lund, Shutterstock.com

Under the tree and when unwrapping the presents, each child’s personality is fully revealed Photo: Jacob Lund, Shutterstock.com

Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21)

Little Sagittarians really love Christmas and gobble it up with bright eyes. They have been enthusiastically flying around the apartment since the early hours of the morning and can’t wait for Santa’s evening visit. They will probably be quite difficult to deal with, because they will be quite angry with their enthusiasm, but everything will be returned to you by their sincere joy at what they find under the tree. That is, if you match their tastes and wishes. Keep in mind that Sagittarians are the most honest signs in the horoscope, so if they don’t like something, you’ll definitely know it.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 20)

If you stick to the same traditions every year at Christmas, sit down to dinner at the same time and simply eat exactly as planned, little Capricorns will probably like it quite a bit. Usually, their days are not so precisely planned, and if they now know exactly what, how and when it will happen, they will be very happy. Don’t expect bursts of joy and big grateful hugs from them, they don’t have that in their nature even as children. You can tell how much they enjoy the gift by how focused they can play with it and how long it lasts.

Aquarius (January 21 – February 20)

Little Aquarians really like the creative part of Christmas, the preparations that precede them. All the Christmas decorations for the house, handmade gifts for the relatives or festive table settings, this is something they can go wild and really enjoy, so get them involved! They will probably be really helpful, even for baking and cooking. Just let them get creative: maybe things won’t be as stylish as you like, but it’s worth the pride in the eyes of the little decorator.

Pisces (February 21 – March 20)

Little Pisces will be moved by Christmas and enjoy it to the fullest. For them, these holidays full of emotions, on the one hand, represent a stress test to see if they can breathe out all the great feelings around them, but on the other hand, they are also extremely charged. Provide plenty of attention and cuddles for the Pisces, they will need both. But believe that holidays with them will be truly magical, because their emotions will be as pure and pure as you haven’t seen in a long time. Try to borrow this childlike enthusiasm from them, at least for a while.

2023-12-21 04:02:59

#children #enjoy #Christmas #signs #Tauruses #eat #lot #Scorpios #cautious #Leos #roar #terribly #Proženy.cz

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