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How Imbalanced Energy Intake and Expenditure Can Lead to Obesity: Expert Insights

Man is obese (illustration). Sweet and high-fat foods can trigger obesity if people do less physical activity to burn incoming calories.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — The cause obesity actually simple, namely the existence of an imbalance between energy intake and expenditure. In normal people, income and expenditure can be maintained in balance.

“If the patient eats a lot, he usually has high physical activity. If it is balanced, obesity will not occur,” explained the specialist in sub-endocrine internal medicine, EM Yunir, in media group interview regarding “All Obesity”, Monday (10/7/2023).

The reason is, nowadays there is an imbalance between intake and expenditure of carbohydrates. Moreover, now it’s very easy to buy food and all types of food available can be purchased online online.

“What we know nowadays is good food yeah which are sweet and contain high fat, so the input will be high, while on outputit is less, there is an imbalance of more calories stored, not wasted,” he said.

The impact, in the long term, excess food or calorie input causes accumulation of fat in the body.

“Eating more than our needs of 500 calories in one month can accumulate fat cells as much as two kilograms. This really needs attention,” he said.

Therefore, maintaining intake with expenditure must be balanced. When a person begins to experience obesity, fat cells that accumulate will release toxic substances that cause widespread inflammation or inflammation.

This triggers the occurrence of insulin that is not optimal, the hormone leptin has decreased function, there is fat poisoning and high cholesterol. In addition, it also triggers a high risk of diabetes.

2023-07-10 17:47:49
#Fat #People #Feel #Hungry #Theyve #Eaten #Republic #Online

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