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How far should you keep exercising outdoors to avoid infection?













With the restriction from circulation from cars around the city, many athletes they look tempted to leave at streets and practice cycling, hike or careers. However, this could be potentially dangerous for your Health or for people in their environment in the middle of the health emergency for him covid-19 if you don’t take the measurements respective.

As announced by health authorities, the distance social of at least One meter and a half effectively serves to avoid the propagation of the virus and decrease the number of infections. But this measure works effectively in situations like being in a row of a Bank, go to purchases, be in a public establishment, etc. But what happens when it comes to sport activities outdoor?

A group of researchers from the Eindhoven University of Technology and of the University of Leuven analyzed the movement patterns of the droplets that runners expel in activities when fresh air. They demonstrated that in these scenarios, the distance among people it should increase since there is a greater risk propagation of virus and therefore a exponential contagion.

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Bert Blocken, main author of study and investigator of the Eindhoven University of Technology, explains that his research focuses on air movements of the droplets that a person exhales when he practices a sport. Specific that this is not an analysis virologicalHowever, “common sense works,” says Blocken. Through his Twitter account he added that studies similar about the dynamic of the wind indicates that cyclists also leave a trail with particles that can affect the people around.
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When making a exercise to the fresh air, Blocken also suggests that the distance between people is at least 4-5 meters to walk to one average speed10 meters when running and 20 meters if practicing cycling.


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