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How emojis have changed 21st century communication

There are many companies and communication professionals who ensure that the use of emojis improves relations between workers, or the boss-worker relationship, because clearly indicate the tone with which you want to convey the message.

But its use is still a novel complement to a long history of changes in the way in which human beings have communicated through written language. From letters, to emails or text messages, to instant messaging such as Messenger or WhatsApp.

Does the use, or not, of emojis can it really condition everyday or professional conversations?

Business Insider España has asked Margaret Membrilla González, journalist, communication consultant and CEO of the communication and press agency Canal Inizia, about these questions.

So you can create and register your own emoji to appear on mobiles around the world

It is important to know the limitations of written language and why it does not encompass the expressiveness of a face-to-face or telephone conversation. “The emojis they can help you express the emotions that you cannot convey in writing and thus avoid the uncomfortable misunderstandings that arise through messages or emails “.

Are they essential for communication? Of course not, but they do support it. Margaret points out that, in most cases, the receiver is in charge of perceiving the information in a certain way. Is an “ok” different for you than an “ok :)”? In the answer you have given, it is where the importance that you give to what the emoji adds to the message.

In addition, he adds that although sometimes they do give a meaning to the message, on other occasions, they are not advisable, and prefer to reduce their use to your closest or trusted circle. “The use of emojis can lead to misinterpretations because in some devices, certain emojis look different than in others and can cause confusion” For this reason, recommends reducing its use to instant messaging, both internal to companies or slack-type teams, or external such as WhatsApp.

Margaret, despite supporting its use, adds a concern. It scares him that the use of emoticons limits the capacity for expressive or human affectivity. “A face on a screen should never replace a conversation that requires authentic human connection. We would lose a lot as humans if we leave our capacity for connection, for empathy, to a emoji“.

Business communication: social networks and emojis

Neal Schaffer, is dedicated to helping different companies in adapting their sales in online format and with marketing efforts. He is the founder of the digital marketing consultancy PDCA Social.

On his website he has analyzed 41 marketing strategies of content that will be important for business in 2021. One of them is the use of emojis as a strategy. These symbols have had an exponential growth: they have gone from being 76 in 1995, to more than 3,000 in 2019, according to a Statista analysis.

In a survey conducted by Adweek, they collected that:

  • There is a 775% increase in year-over-year increase in use of emoji in marketing messages.
  • Emojis in mobile push notification messages increase open rates by 85%.
  • 58% of consumers will open emails that have emojis in the subject. While 64% are more likely to open emails containing your favorite emoji in the subject line.

Margaret shares this view on emojis as a marketing tool, helping the consumer to enjoy the message. “They help us to lighten texts visually and that helps the reader not to get lost in the text, which in marketing is important so you don’t lose your attention“.

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