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How does toothache affect your mental health?

Poor oral health reduces quality of life and exacerbates oral health problems Psychological health The list, where symptoms of lack of self-confidence worsen, in this report we learn how toothache affects your mental health, according to the website “Health”.

The relationship between oral health and mental health

The health of your teeth — whether it’s the color of your teeth or tooth decay — can reveal a lot about your overall health and can explain your level of stress, anxiety, bad moods, and chronic eating problems.

A recent multi-year study revealed that people with severe mental disorders were 2.8 times more likely to lose their teeth than others, generally due to untreated health conditions or difficulty getting dental care.

It also affects your physical health, as self-soothing behaviors, such as smoking and eating processed foods, can affect your health, including oral hygiene.

Things to do to maintain mental and dental health

1. Follow a balanced diet

It is essential to eat a healthy and balanced diet full of fruits, vegetables and other nutrients rich in minerals and vitamins.

Remember that what you eat affects your mood and ultimately your oral health, so make sure you add a wide variety of nutritious foods to your diet, as they will help protect your teeth and gums and improve your mental health .

2. Look for signs and symptoms of poor dental hygiene

You should actively look for signs and symptoms to ensure proper dental health. For example, bleeding gums when brushing or flossing, jaw pain, toothache, blackheads, and sensitivity to hot and cold foods can indicate poor oral hygiene.

Also, see a doctor if you experience other symptoms, such as dry mouth.

These symptoms may be due to side effects of some antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications.

3. Try activities to reduce stress and anxiety

Practice stress- and anxiety-reducing activities like deep breathing, mindfulness, yoga, and visualization to reduce the impact of poor mental health on your dental health. physical and psychological stress when added to breathing exercises.

4. Visit the dentist

Ask a list of questions before visiting your dentist, who can help you find treatment so you can take care of your mental and dental health.

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