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How does the morning-after pill work? Everything you need to know!

The emergency contraception may be a sure way to prevent a unwanted pregnancy after having sexual intercourse without protection. While there are a variety of methods, one of the best known is the pill Plan B One-Step.

Plan B is a emergency contraception also known as the morning after pill. It contains a hormone called levonorgestrel that can block the ovulation, stop the fertilization or prevent the fertilized egg stick to the wall of the uterus after having unprotected sex.

Currently millions of women have used the morning-after pill after having unprotected sex, but there are certain important aspects of this method that not many know at the time of use and that we present to you in The Truth News.

Your weight can affect its effectiveness

Obesity can make the pill less effective

If you weigh more than 70 kilos or have a BMI of more than 25, the morning-after pill may be less effective for you. A 2014 study found that pregnancy increased significantly by 5% to 6% in people who were overweight or obese.

Another 2015 study found that levonorgestrel was less effective in participants with a BMI greater than 25 than other emergency contraceptives, such as ulipristal acetate (Ella) or a copper IUD.

However, a 2017 large pooled analysis of four randomized trials completed by the World Health Organization found that pregnancy was low across all BMIs after taking levonorgestrel and only one trial showed a decrease in efficacy for obese women.

“There are also alternative methods of emergency contraception that will be more effective for all weights,” says Eliza Bennet, an obstetrician-gynecologist at the University of Wisconsin Health. “But if the only option is the pill, then it is always better to take what might be more effective than nothing.”

The sooner you take it, the more effective it will be

The pill is most effective in the first hours after sexual intercourse

The morning-after pill can be taken up to three days (72 hours) after unprotected sex, but taking the pill as soon as possible is most effective. The pill will decrease its effectiveness from day one to day three.

If you take the pill 12 to 24 hours after having unprotected sex, it is about 95% effective, but if you take it 48 to 72 hours later, it will decrease to 61%. Since it works to prevent ovulation, if you have already ovulated, the pill will not work.

Can cause irregular periods

The pill can alter your menstrual periods

It’s perfectly normal to have irregular bleeding after taking Plan B. The pill disrupts the regular cyclical hormonal flow of your period, Bennett says, so it may take a little longer for your body to realize it needs to start your period.

Your period may be three to five days late, or you may experience your period earlier than usual. You may also have a few spots and a lighter or heavier flow.

The pill does not affect your fertility

The pill does not make it difficult to get pregnant

A common misconception about the morning-after pill, or any emergency contraception, is that it will affect your fertility.

“There is no evidence that taking Plan B repeatedly can affect your fertility,” he says. Lee Roosevelt, PHD, MPH, certified nurse-midwife and clinical assistant professor at the University of Michigan.

“In fact, [el levonorgestrel] it’s a progesterone, and if you talk to a reproductive endocrinologist, one of the things they are looking for in maintaining a pregnancy is to make sure you have adequate progesterone levels. “

The pill will also not increase your chances of miscarriages or affect your chances of getting pregnant in the future.

It is not an abortion pill

Misoprostol, it is not an abortion pill but it has had that effect on women

Another common misconception about Plan B is that the pill will abort a pregnancy. This is not true. This method will only prevent ovulation from occurring and has no effect on an already started pregnancy.

The abortive pills, also called medical abortion, are two pills taken 24 to 48 hours after an ultrasound for up to 70 days after unprotected sex.

The pill may expire

Morning-after pills can be helpful for up to 4 years

The pill has a shelf life of four years. Taking it after the expiration date is not dangerous, according to Bennett, but hormones can lose potency over time, which means it is less effective in preventing pregnancy.

“I’d say try taking an expired pill pack, but if all you have is an expired pill pack, then take it,” says Bennett.

There are other types of emergency contraception

EllaOne, the non-hormonal morning-after pill

There are other emergency contraception options that may be better for you. A GOD copper and the so-called “morning after” pill She they are not hormonal and can last up to five days (120 hours) after unprotected sex.

She has a weight limit of 86 kilos, while the copper IUD works on all weights.

However, Ella needs a prescription and the copper IUD must be inserted by a medical professional. Therefore, some people may choose Plan B and other levonorgestrel pills for quick availability and easy access.

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