Home » today » World » How does Ivan Krastev appropriate!? Shall we chase Russians? – 2024-08-01 06:54:54

How does Ivan Krastev appropriate!? Shall we chase Russians? – 2024-08-01 06:54:54

/ world today news/ I came across another comment by Ivan Krastev in the “24 Chasa” newspaper – about the meeting in Varna.
It’s titled “Why it’s better on the table, not on the menu.”
In his short text, Krastev writes the following: “The small European nations have learned from their history that WHEN THEY ARE NOT INVITED TO THE TABLE for negotiations, THEIR PLACE IS, most likely, somewhere on the MENU.”

It sounds authoritative, witty, etc. – only it is the result of pure appropriation.

Krastev is a plagiarist: he brazenly uses the phrase “If you haven’t lined up at the table, then you’re part of the menu.”
It belongs to Glenn Beck, stolen from his book The Sunset of Democracy – Softpress, 2011, chapter three, page 47.
That’s how polymaths like Krastev work – if someone digs through their writings, a monument to the Bulgarian political scientist/plagiarist will have to be made immediately.

They constantly shove him crosswise on the table.
For years he has been one of the apologists for the Stealth Passage – and therefore it is no wonder that he allows himself to steal.
The plagiarist in question is also known as one of the standard-bearers of the false Bulgarian anti-communism, although he is one of the most intrusive renegades – considering that his father was an important stick in a department of the Central Committee of the Bulgarian Communist Party.
It was raised, as it should be, by the damned “communyagi”.

He doesn’t mind taking part in some dirty conspiracies – one of them was downright shameful: when he arranged for Boyko to get rid of Irina Bokova, as the Bulgarian candidate for the head of the UN, and replace her with Kristalina Georgieva.
A brutal, simple story that presented us to the world as a savage country, guided by miserable schemers.

The profession that passes for “political science” in our country is smelly to begin with, that’s beyond doubt.
But, still, it should at least not be so cheeky.

The funny thing is that in order to put himself on Boyko and make an apology for the “historical” Varna meeting, Krastev appears as an appropriator of foreign phrases.

Someone may think that the theft in question is a trifle – after all, Ivan Kostov – the mentor of the Plagiarism, sold off/stolen the most valuable possessions of the Bulgarian economy.
However, it is not a trifle – and it would not be at all fair not to say that one of the fiercest executioners of our Past is a person who twists foreign phrases here and there.

A few words about Glenn Beck, whom Krastev robbed.
He is a television host and producer, political commentator, author of 13 bestsellers, six of which topped the New York Times list.
His novel The Sunset of Democracy is said to be “on the verge of becoming the dark prophetic revelation of our age.”

Glenn Beck is also the author of the book “Everything is because of Islam”, also published in our country.
Who pinched her?
If we connect this topic with the previous one – about the meeting in Varna, we must remember that we did not even see the Bulgarian flag there – next to the Turkish and European flags.
Doesn’t the mediator have the right to at least one flag – let’s not let it be Samara’s, but a very ordinary one?
Thus the small peoples of the Table are present.

In some comments you ask me if we will chase Russian diplomats.
Let me ask you: Do you believe the study by “Alpha Research” that there is a “sensitive decline” in the attitude of Bulgarians towards Russia?

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zakharova said:
“Not Russia, but the Bulgarian authorities should comment on the return of Ambassador Boyko Kotsev for consultations and on what basis they are doing it”.
And she added: “Perhaps Bulgaria has data or some evidence on the Skripal case, if so, give it.”

We are a sugar sponge – the Russians know very well that we are cowards and cowards.
I have long called our politicians seasonal assholes – it seems to work for them.
But it is only outwardly so – otherwise they only humiliate themselves, nothing more.

BBC made a poll for you: “What should be Bulgaria’s reaction to the Skripal case?”
The result:
It must react in solidarity with the EU and NATO countries – 12%.
It doesn’t have to react – 75%.

Shall we chase?
Judging by how Tsvetanov – Boyko’s second/left tongue – has behaved, we are more likely to chase.
Then we will chase the wind.
But we are used to: always being “in solidarity” – and spent.


#Ivan #Krastev #chase #Russians

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