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How does Corona exploit the human body to spread the infection? The Medical Association answers

Dr. Karim Mesbah, member of the General Union of Physicians, said that viruses in general are not living organisms, but rather part of DN, Or theRNA, Inside a wrapping and falling on one of the surfaces, waiting for a person to pass to touch the surface, then the person touching his face to transmit the virus through him to his respiratory system, and infect the lung cells, which he exploits to produce millions ofDNAAnd …RNA, Which then comes out with spray, or coughing.

Mesbah explained, “At that time, the virus has two opportunities, either by direct infection of another person, through coughing or spray, or it falls on a new surface waiting for another person to catch it, and its cycle is repeated, and when we ask citizens to sit in homes, to protect from the emerging corona virus, to deny The virus is one of its most important weapons, the human body, as the virus dies within 20 to 28 hours in the absence of a human body that multiplies through it, according to most estimates..

He added: Corona virus cannot be described as the deadly virus, especially since the death rate ranges from 2 to 3%, but its high speed in the ability to spread, makes this ratio very large numbers of patients at one time, which represents a great pressure on health systems Worldwide, including what it exposes to collapse, and the “Stay Home” initiative, the best way to protect.

The General Syndicate of Doctors had said that, given the precise circumstances that the country is going through, and the decisions announced by Engineer Mustafa Madbouly, the Prime Minister and the curfew, it was decided that the working hours of the Syndicate would start from yesterday, Wednesday from nine in the morning until two in the afternoon, instead From four in the evening, during all days of the week, except for Friday, a weekly leave for the union.

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