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How do you make sure you feel better about yourself?

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Fewer outings, limited freedom of movement, fear of another corona wave: these are uncertain times. And that takes its toll on our mental health. It is therefore very normal to feel frustrated, angry, scared, depressed, or exhausted right now. Fortunately, there are also small things you can do to feel better. We will tell you which self-care and additional health insurance can help.

Treat your body

Take care of yourself so that your immune system can take a beating. Reaching out for fast carbohydrates, sugars, and high-calorie drinks is tempting because they temporarily make you feel good. Still, try to eat as healthy as possible every day and, where possible, replace unhealthy snacks with a healthier alternative. In addition, make sure you always get enough vitamin D. This way you keep a dip at the door.

Keep smiling

Don’t forget your teeth. You may be skipping your periodic dental check-up for fear or convenience. But poor oral health radiates to the rest of your body: it increases your risk of pneumonia, arteriosclerosis, cardiovascular disease and brain disorders such as dementia.

Therefore, always visit the dentist and dental hygienist twice a year, even if you have no complaints. This way, cavities, inflamed gums or other starting dental problems can be remedied in time and you can avoid major, more painful procedures. With suitable dental insurance you can have most dental costs covered by the insurer, so that you no longer have to pay for them out of your own pocket.

Let your muscles work

It has been scientifically proven that exercise improves your mood and reduces the risk of depression. Sports and exercise keep you in shape physically and mentally.

That doesn’t mean you have to tick off a boot camp session every day. (This is certainly not recommended during tropical temperatures.) Stroll through the park, cycle a bit, take care of the garden or do light yoga exercises. That also counts as exercise.

Perfect sleep rhythm

Regularity and structure ensure that you (more) enjoy your bed. Get up at the same time every day and go to bed at a fixed time. Don’t take naps to catch up on sleep, this will mess up your rhythm and backfire.

Focus on the beautiful, small things in your life by writing down one pleasant experience in the morning or evening. Relaxation or breathing exercises can also help stop a negative spiral of thought and fall asleep more calmly.

Don’t lock yourself up

Isolating yourself will only make you feel more depressed. Connect with others every day and breathe your heart into someone you trust. Meet people who have a positive outlook on life. For example, go for a walk or drink a cup of coffee.

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