Home » Business » How do you keep mice out of your house? Mouse exterminator Ewout Schröder offers tips

How do you keep mice out of your house? Mouse exterminator Ewout Schröder offers tips

With the temperature dropping, everyone is looking for warmth again. This also applies to pests, such as mice, who like to sit in a warm place in the winter where food can be found.

As a resident you would prefer not to want that, but how do you prevent these creatures from walking across your floor? Pest controller Ewout Schröder knows exactly how to keep mice out with simple measures.

“Old homes, many food establishments together, and people often leave rubbish behind in the city. This attracts animals, including mice,” he says.

According to Schröder, there are several steps you can easily take to keep the mice out. “It starts with you. You can do a lot on your own to prevent mice from entering your home.” He gives some tips.

2024-11-24 19:34:00
#mice #house #Mouse #exterminator #Ewout #Schröder #offers #tips

**What are some of the most common misconceptions homeowners have about mice that actually make infestations worse?**

## Keeping Mice at⁣ Bay: An Interview with Pest Control Expert Ewout Schröder


Welcome to ⁤World-Today-News. Today,‌ we’re discussing a topic that ⁤becomes especially​ relevant as the temperatures drop:⁣ mice infestations. Joining us is Ewout ⁢Schröder, a pest control expert with extensive experience in managing rodent populations, particularly in urban ‍areas. Ewout, thank you for being⁣ here.

**Section 1: Understanding the Seasonal Surge:**

* You mentioned that winter is typically “rat and mouse infestation time.” Can you elaborate on the factors that contribute to ‌this seasonal increase in rodent activity?

* ​The article states that mice aren’t just seeking‌ warmth in our homes, but also ⁣readily available food‍ sources. How much of a role does food availability play in attracting mice indoors during winter?

**Section‍ 2: Preventive Measures and Homeowner Responsibility:**

* The article highlights that homeowners can‍ take proactive steps to prevent mice infestations. Could you share some of the most effective strategies and tips you recommend to your clients?

* Beyond sealing ‍cracks and‌ crevices, are there any less obvious areas in ‍a home that homeowners might overlook when trying to rodent-proof their space?

*​ You mentioned that⁢ “it starts with you” when it comes⁢ to preventing infestations. What are some common misconceptions⁤ or‌ habits that homeowners ⁤might have that unintentionally attract mice?

**Section 3:​ Professional Intervention ​and Sustainable Solutions:**

* For situations where prevention hasn’t been successful, what⁢ are some of the safe and humane methods you employ as a pest control professional to address established infestations?

* How do you‍ balance the need for effective ⁣pest control with concerns about the environment and the well-being of non-target ⁣animals? What are some of the challenges involved in implementing sustainable pest ‌management strategies?

**Section 4: Looking Ahead:**

* With climate change ‌leading to potential shifts in rodent behaviour and distribution, do you anticipate any changes in rodent control practices in the future?

* What advice would you give to homeowners who are concerned about⁢ the potential for future ‌increases in pest activity?


Ewout, thank you‍ so much for sharing your expertise and insights with us today. We hope this conversation‍ has provided our viewers with valuable information and practical tips for protecting their homes from unwanted guests this winter and beyond.

**Please remember:**⁤ For persistent or severe infestations, it is always best to ‍consult a qualified pest‌ control professional.

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