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How do you choose the right hockey shoes?

Wearing the right shoes while playing hockey is very important. This reduces the risk of injuries, allowing you to focus even more on your game and improve your sports performance. But what do hockey shoes have to meet? The most important thing is of course that your new hockey shoes meet your wishes. Looking for hockey shoes with extra grip? Then it is best to go for a pair of hockey shoes with plastic studs. Do you think it is important that your hockey shoes last as long as possible? Then choose a pair made of sustainable materials. With this handy step-by-step plan you can easily find the right hockey shoes for you.

Indoor of outdoor

First of all, it is important to determine whether you need indoor or outdoor hockey shoes or maybe even both. If you play indoor hockey, you can choose from special indoor hockey shoes or you can go for a pair of all-round indoor shoes. Do you play hockey outside? Then there are different types of hockey shoes that are each suitable for a different type of field.

Type of surface

There are therefore different types of hockey shoes, each suitable for a different type of field. You have hockey shoes especially for sand fields, for water fields and for semi-fields. You can also choose between hockey shoes with rubber studs and plastic studs. Both types of studs are suitable for all fields, but one offers more grip on, for example, a sand field than the other.

Right size

It may seem obvious, but it often happens that people order the wrong size hockey shoes. Of course, how hockey shoes fit differs per brand and model, but in most cases it is best to order hockey shoes in your usual size. In addition, your hockey shoes should not be too loose, but certainly not too tight. Preferably match your new hockey shoes with a pair of hockey socks. These are a lot thicker than normal socks and you also wear them while playing hockey.


A hockey shoe must not only be suitable for the type of field you play on and fit well in terms of size, the shoe must also meet certain characteristics. For example, it is important that your hockey shoes give your feet enough stability and support and that they are shock-absorbing. In addition, good grip should not be missing. Do your hockey shoes not offer enough grip? Then the chance of slipping is a lot bigger and nobody wants that.

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