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How do thieves catch you via “Bluetooth”? How do you protect yourself?

A report by the American “Fox News” network warned against leaving the “Bluetooth” of your smartphone open all the time, indicating the risks that you may be exposed to.

Bluetooth is a short-range wireless technology that allows different devices to communicate with each other. You can find it in phones, cars, speakers, televisions, headphones, keyboards, printers, and more.

Bluetooth works similar to Wi-Fi and cellular networks, but it performs simpler tasks at smaller ranges and does not require a cellular signal or Internet connection.

But how can you be exposed to risks via “Bluetooth”?

There are several methods that hackers can use to threaten you via Bluetooth, if they are in a location near you, including:

• Sending spam and links to malicious content or software for the purpose of fraud.

• Connect to your phone and install malware on it, after which hackers will be able to listen to your conversations, read your messages and access your contacts.

• The risks can be even greater if attackers obtain information from your phone, such as call logs, photos, passwords or bank details, and may use it to commit crimes and attach it to you.

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Here are tips from information security experts to protect against Bluetooth hackers:

• Turn it off when not in use, knowing that this also increases the phone’s battery life.

• Cancel your phone’s connection via “Bluetooth” to devices that you no longer use or that you lose or sell.

• Do not send sensitive information via “Bluetooth”, especially in public places, where others can easily intercept it.

• Not accepting any files or messages from an unknown party via “Bluetooth”.

• Do not connect the phone to devices you do not know via “Bluetooth”.

• Keeping your phone updated.

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