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How do I vote as a Catholic? Advice from Bishop Rey (Toulon)

The bishop of Fréjus-Toulon gave an interview on RCF on the vision of politics by the Church, and how to vote as a Catholic.


My kingdom is not of this world » John 18,36. Should we really take part in political life as Christians when another kingdom has been announced to us? For Monsignor Dominique Rey, the debate is not there, “it is a duty for the Christian to take part in the democratic debate”. Indeed, the Christian must be a full member of society, be in the world, even if he is not of the world. We cannot abstract ourselves from the common good of society, which involves our commitments in civic, associative and also democratic life”, continues the Bishop of the diocese of Fréjus-Toulon. The vote being a duty of the citizen, it is part of political life and the Christian does not have to avoid it, he must participate in public life for the common good.“.


When the time comes to enter the voting booth, the Christian must make a free choice. However, it is important that he keep in mind fundamental benchmarks. Monsignor Rey summarizes them in three points: Keep in mind anthropological reference points against the instrumentalization of the human being which develops more and more with abortion or euthanasia. Respect for otherness, relationships and vulnerability in a sometimes fragmented society. The promotion of a common good that transcends particular interests and promotes real social dialogue.

The choice of vote can still be complex when no candidate meets all the expectations defined by the Church. “We want the perfect politician,” explains Monsignor Rey. In the absence of a new Saint Louis, voters must therefore often vote by default. “We must force ourselves to establish a hierarchy so as not to offend these fundamental benchmarks too much. We must then opt for a lesser evil”.


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