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How do I use Messenger without a Facebook account?

using messenger without facebook

Do you want to chat via Messenger, but you don’t need Facebook? This way you can use Messenger without an (active) Facebook account.


Messenger is a very good app to chat with friends and family. The advantage Messenger has over other messaging apps such as WhatsApp is that your account is not linked to your phone number. So you can effortlessly switch from one device to another without having to mess with your chat history. A possible disadvantage: Messenger is inextricably linked to Facebook and without a Facebook account you can no longer get in.

But there is a loophole where you can chat with Messenger without having to actively use Facebook. We show you how that works.

Messenger without Facebook: this is how it is

create an account

Didn’t you already have Messenger installed on your smartphone? Then you will have to create an account when opening the app. Messenger will redirect you to Facebook for that. Are you already a member of Facebook? Then you automatically have an account for Messenger and you can log in with the same login details. The name and profile picture you use for Facebook are also automatically transferred.

create facebook accountcreate facebook account
To use Messenger, you need a Facebook account.

deactivate facebook

It’s annoying that Meta doesn’t allow you to create an account for Messenger without Facebook, until a few years ago that was still possible. But here comes the twist: your Facebook account doesn’t have to be active at all. If you don’t feel like Facebook, you can deactivate your account. You do this via the privacy settings of Facebook. Click Privacy & Settings > Settings > Your Facebook Information > Deactivate & Delete. Note: you may not permanently delete your account, because then Messenger will also go down. With an inactive account you can still receive and send messages without all the other distractions from Facebook.

deactivate facebookdeactivate facebook
Put your Facebook account on hold.

Add contacts and chat

Now we are ready to chat with Messenger. To start a (group) conversation, press the button at the top left to write a message. You must of course select a recipient first. Your contact list will consist of all your Facebook friends who have also downloaded the app, but you can also send messages to people who are not on your friends list. You have to add them manually first (tapping on your profile picture). There are two ways: either you automatically load your phone contacts via Manage Contacts, or you send someone a link to your account so that he/she can save you as a Messenger contact.

add contacts messengeradd contacts messenger
Add contacts to start chatting.

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