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How do I get a blood group card?

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– The editorial staff of DemarchesAdministratives.fr

Blood groups are used to define blood compatibility between two people. It can be determined through a blood test and entered on a specific card. How do I get it? Let’s take stock of the blood group map.

It is important to know your blood type. Indeed, this information is essential in the event of a blood transfusion and makes it possible to ensure the compatibility of the donor and the recipient.

What information appears on the blood group card?

The blood group card includes your blood identity. Doctors use it to know your group before any transfusion. You must therefore keep it with you, like your identity card.

Your personal informations are indicated (surname, first name and date of birth), as well as your ABO, Rhesus and Kell blood types. These are 3 blood group systems out of the 34 existing ones. The dates and places of the analyzes are also mentioned.

Who issues the blood group card?

The blood group card is issued following two blood samples taken in a medical laboratory. Anyone who wishes to know it can therefore go there provided they have a doctor’s prescription.

The regulations do not define the period of validity of blood group cards. However, it may be necessary to renew it if it is old.

Do you belong to group A +, B- or even O-? By combining the ABO and Rhesus systems, there are 8 blood groups: A +, A-, B +, B-, AB +, AB-, O + and O-. Groups A + (38% of the population) and O + (36%) are the most frequently encountered in France, while groups AB- and B- are the rarest (1%). Very often, the blood type is determined in the infant and recorded in his health record.

To determine your blood type without having to take a blood test in the laboratory, you can buy a blood test kit. These are sold on the internet and consist of a needle and a test strip. Those who wish to participate in an important cause will be able to learn more about their blood type after having donated blood.

The blood type is inherited from parents. The A and B alleles are dominant, while the O allele is recessive. Concretely, parents carrying the A and O alleles will give birth to a child of group A. If they are of group A and B then the child will be of group AB. In the event that both parents are O, the child’s group will be O. Calculators available online give you the probabilities for your blood type from that of your parents. However, there are many exceptions to this rule of inheritance. The blood test therefore remains the most reliable way to know your blood type.

What does the donor card consist of?

The French can donate their blood to the EFS (French Blood Establishment). For this, they do not need to know their blood type. Once the sample has been taken, the blood is analyzed and the group determined. After two blood donations, the donor obtains a card specifying information about the ABO group and the Rhesus.

The donor card also exists in dematerialized version. It is available on the Blood Donation application in the “my profile” section. This document can then be presented for each donation and serve as proof of identity.

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