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How do I access the collection of 20% of the complement of the Universal Allowance for Son and Daughter

ANSES Booklet AUH: How do I access the collection of 20% of the complement of the Universal Assignment for Son and Daughter

Until the December 31, 2022 Universal Child Allowance (AUH) holders will have time to present Book that accredits schooling and health checks of children to collect like this from $10,772 corresponding to the reimbursement of the 20% rehad in 2021. How do I access the collection of the 20% of the complement of the Universal Allowance for Son and Daughter?

CONSIDERED Notebook AUH: How do I carry out the procedure to collect the complement of the Universal Assignment for Son and Daughter

To access the collection of $10.772corresponding to 20% of the complement of the Universal Assignment for Son and Daughter (AUH) accumulated during the previous yearit is necessary to present the Booklet form that guarantees health checks, vaccination and education of girls, boys and adolescents.

In this sense, the executive director of the organization, Fernanda Raventaexpressed “For ANSES, it is very important to have up-to-date information on the situation of girls and boys in Argentina, to ensure that they go to school and have all their vaccinations up to date.”.

CONSIDERED Notebook AUH: Where until and when can I carry out the procedure to collect the complement of the Universal Assignment for Son and Daughter

This procedure is carried out in person and without a shift at an ANSES office. Until december 31.

CONSIDERED Notebook AUH: What documentation do I need to carry out the procedure to collect the complement of the Universal Assignment for Son and Daughter

Those who must present the Booklet form to collect the 20% refund of the complement of the Universal Assignment for Son and Daughter (AUH) accumulated during 2021, they have to:

  • Download the Booklet form (PS.1.47) and print it, or pick it up at the office closest to your home;
  • Take it to the health center or school (if applicable) to be completed and signed;
  • Take it complete to ANSES together with the DNI.

It is important to highlight that, if this year the procedure was already carried out online through Mi CONSIDEREDno need to do it again.

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