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How difficult it is to forget

The years go by for everyone and, sometimes, it is not an easy task to come to terms with it. Each person leaves a mark. Sometimes good, sometimes not so much. In the case of the relevant characters, there is also a legacy. 2020, augmented by the pandemic, you are wiping too many figures off the map, some very recently. For the oblivion will not be precisely the spy novels, even brought to the big screen, by the great British author John the Square. Nor the feat that meant that a black country singer like Charlie Pride reached the altars of the American music industry in the 60s, in a year where we have also lost two other insignia of this style of American popular music such as Kenny Rogers O John Prine. I know, I could not miss the opportunity to reveal my musical tastes in this column.

Human beings often accept that the time has come to make way for other generations, it is something that is part of the naturalness of life. Now, the people closest to that subject do not end up seeing him that way in most cases, and that feeling of emptiness arises that each one tries to fill in as best he can convince himself, “Why did you touch him?“Reverberates in the brain hundreds of times.

The baskets of Kobe will toast with the goals of Michael Robinson, the cemetery of the forgotten books of Ruiz Zafón

The baskets of Kobe they will toast with the goals of Michael Robinson, the cemetery of the forgotten books of Ruiz Zafon will seek rhyme with the mystery literature of Mary Higgins Clark, while Juan Marsé He is looking for his colleagues from the 50s. Here I have to make a parenthesis to recommend a more striking novel by Zafón that predates his best seller which name is Marina.

The parades of Lucia Bosé they will have nothing to envy to the smile that so many after-dinner parties have left Kirk Douglas, While Jose Luis Cuerda prepare one more clapperboard for your collection. Aute will be writing lyrics a thousand times more, using the voice of Betty Wright for what Little Richard can devote himself to playing on the piano what Ennio Morricone has taught most of the planet.

In short, everyone has left a legacy, beautiful, just as Pau Donés liked

Chadwick Boseman will be rehearsing on stage under the baton of Olivia de Havilland and a rocky acting teacher like Sean Connery. The sax of Pedro Iturralde rumbles like the guitar of Eddie Van Halen, While Teresa Rodrigo and Katherine Johnson they make calculations as only two women so fighters have been able to do. Uderzo and Quino do not think that you have stopped creating and drawing characters, nor Julio Anguita it has restrained his impetuous fighting spirit.

They are all traces, moments that everyone can see differently because public figures penetrate, in one way or another, in our brain. Ah, don’t think I’m forgetting Fluff, who surely Lorenzo Sanz you will be watching dribbling from the box with a good cigar in hand. In short, everyone has left a legacy, beautiful, just as he liked Pau Donés.

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