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“How did they fall in love with this fatty?”

Since the complaint was made public, Fabiola Yañez to Alberto Fernandez for gender violence and after the video of the former president with Tamara Pettinato drinking beer in the presidential office emerged, Mirtha Legrand She was very harsh with him for the mistreatment he had towards his ex-partner and towards Argentine citizens.

In this context, in a new round table Mirtha’s Night (The Thirteen), The host was scathing with FernandezHowever, this time he attacked his physical appearance.

The incident occurred after, among the guests – Ricardo Lopez Murphy, Daniel Santoro, Jessica Bossi, Alicia Barrios and Fernando Burlando – they discussed the former president’s mistreatment of Fabiola.

It is worth remembering that there are also rumors that there are more videos of Alberto with other women, and it was confirmed that he gave state positions to a flight attendant, a singer and a hairdresser that he met through Instagram.

That’s why Mirtha interrupted the conversation, stunned by what she heard and, with a face of displeasure and without a filter, she said: “But how did women fall in love with this fat guy…?”

While those present burst out laughing, Burlando managed to respond: “Power, without a doubt, seduces. I don’t know if legitimately.” “But they weren’t in love,” Bossi said.

Mirtha Legrand was scathing with Alberto Fernández for his physical appearance. Photo: TV Capture

“But I I did not think I would live to know and see that womenI don’t know if they are prostitutes or what kind of women, They went to the Government House to sleep with the president. “I didn’t think I would live to see this, it’s terrible,” Legrand said, unable to believe what happened to Fernández.

The conversation continued, then, about Alberto’s hiring of women and the messages he sent with the intention of wooing others, including a friend of Yañez herself.

When Alicia Barrios took the floor, she explained what Alberto Fernández’s friends perceived him as: “He was the great Argentine male.”

Ricardo Lopez Murphy, Daniel Santoro, Jessica Bossi, Alicia Barrios and Fernando Burlando: the guests. Photo: TV Capture

However, in tune with Mirtha, she said: “This man, who can he excite? Because the truth is; chubby, a little disheveled, he doesn’t move a hair on me…”.

“With those horrible mustaches, frightening,” the host added along the same lines.

And Barrios continued: “Apart from the long fingers, something that is unbelievable…” “Potbellied…”continued La Chiqui, with a look of displeasure.

Alicia Barrios also called Alberto Fernandez “chubby.” Photo: TV Capture

Mirtha Legrand, lethal against Alberto Fernández after Fabiola Yañez’s complaint for gender violence

A few weeks ago and after Fabiola Yañez’s formal complaint against Alberto Fernández for gender violence, Mirtha Legrand spoke out about the scandal in a new broadcast of Mirtha’s Night (El Trece) and he did not hesitate to criticize the former President of the Nation.

What a shame, what an outrage. “He was the President of the Republic and people forget that!” said the host, visibly outraged by the scandal that had broken out.


The legendary host lashed out at the former president and backed the former Primera Drama after going to court.

Then, on screen, they showed the images of the blows to the face and one of the arms of the former First Lady and upon seeing them, Legrand expressed solidarity with Yañez: “Poor thing, poor thing!” and he also questioned the secrecy that was maintained in this regard: “How can something like this be hidden and how is it that no one from the Presidential Residence revealed it?”

“What an explosion this has been and continues to be! It is degrading for a woman to have a finger put on her. There is no turning back from this..All the women in the country have turned against him, the entire female world has turned against him.”

Mirtha Legrand was critical of Alberto Fernández after Fabiola Yañez filed a complaint for gender violence against him.

And he said: “I’m ashamed. I think about this woman (Fabiola) who is in Spain, which is not her country, with her mother and her two-year-old child, in a two-room apartment, it’s terrible,” said the host of La Noche de Mirtha.

Along the same lines, Legrand reflected: “The blows will have faded by now, and will no longer exist, but they are also inside. These are facts that are not forgotten in life.“.

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