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How did the schools in Sunset Park protect their student body?

In Sunset Park, parents and students from schools near the shooting experienced -in first person- the resulting chaos, when they went with their children to the campuses at around 8 in the morning.

For security, the municipal government ordered the closure of all schools in the area, decreeing a shelter order, by which no one could leave the building, although students were allowed to enter.


Strong police device in Sunset Park schools.

Residents of the area witnessed the large number of people rushing up the subway stairs.

Some of them were very scared and even more so when they realized that it was a mass shooting.

“I haven’t gone home. [será] until they come out; so, I am waiting for them”, explained a mother of a family.

Mothers of families waited for their children to leave.

While another inhabitant of the area pointed out: “It scares me a little, because it is no longer, I don’t know, the neighborhood is already changing a little.”

The shelter-in-place order has already been lifted for students returning to classrooms this morning.

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