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How dark is it actually? Help the RUG count the stars

The University of Groningen is asking for the help of the population to count the number of stars in the constellation Orion from Saturday. The goal is to answer that one question: how dark is it really?

It is the third time in a row that the RUG is organizing the now national measurement campaign under the name ‘De Donkerte van de Wadden’. “Last year, six hundred people participated,” says initiator and astronomer Theo Jurriens. “We cannot measure everything ourselves. We just need people for that. ”

Leave telescope

People in different locations to be exact. “Then you get a better indication of how the brightness is received in various places. I think if you live in the city of Groningen you can clench your hands if you count a maximum of ten. But in Westerwolde it can just happen that you end up over thirty.”

Provided you perform the action ‘honestly’. ,,So no telescope and no binoculars. Just use your eyes.”

The participants are kindly but urgently requested to focus only on the constellation of Orion. “Because that’s a pretty easy constellation that anyone can find. How? Three stars in a row, two above and two below.”

Glances directed at constellation Orion, the unlucky hunter

Orion, according to Greek mythology, was a hunter who was accidentally killed by the goddess Artemis and then raised to the constellation.

The measurements must take place in the period from 14 January to 24 January and 11 February to 21 February. This has everything to do with the position of the moon: measurements are taken when the moon is below the horizon. Measurements with a cloudy sky, bad weather and the moon above the horizon – Jurriens says – are of no use. “The moon is a disturbing light source.”

‘Darkness of the Wadden’ aims to draw attention to the importance of darkness for nature. The project is an initiative of the University of Groningen, Natuurmonumenten, Staatsbosbeheer and the Nature and Environmental Federations of North Holland, Friesland and Groningen.

Participants submit their measurements via https://www.visitwadden.nl/sterrentellen .

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