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How Covid-19 changes our brain

Berlin. A study shows: Even without long Covid and symptoms, immune nodules remain in the brain. What does this mean for health?

A corona infection leaves permanent traces in the brain – even if we do not feel them directly. Researchers have discovered that tiny nodules consisting of microglia cells, which are responsible for the immune defense of the Brain act as a sign of this change. This “immune scar” suggests that the innate immune system in our brain remains active even after an apparently complete recovery from the SARS-CoV-2 infection.

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Despite the end of the acute phase of the corona pandemic, the long-term consequences of a SARS-CoV-2 infection are still largely unexplored. It seems that both genetic and epigenetic factors increase the risk of late effects such as long Covid or Neuro-Covid increase. The immune response to the acute infection also plays an important role.

Corona study shows: Covid-19 infection leaves a “scar”

New Research results now showthat a corona infection can leave visible changes in the brain, even in people who feel completely recovered. Marius Schwabenland and his team from university hospital Freiburg examined the brains of 15 people who had contracted SARS-CoV-2 several months before their death. They no longer showed any symptoms and died of other causes.

The detailed examination of the brains revealed an important discovery: There were many small nodules of microglia cells, which indicate long-term problems in the brain. These nodules can be due to damage caused by viruses, Nerve damage or other degenerative changes.

Although the people examined did not show any symptoms of long Covid or other long-term effects of the Covid-19 disease had an immunological “scar” left in their brains. This indicates that the innate immune system remained active even after the acute infection, the researchers explain. In comparison samples from people who had never had Covid-19, however, these microglial nodules were not found.

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“It is quite possible that the sustained activation of the innate immune system in the brain contributes to the long-term neurological complaints after a SARS-CoV-2 infection,” says Schwabenland. “In an earlier study, we had already examined samples after acute SARS-CoV-2 infection and found similar, but significantly more severe changes.” The team suspects that these microglial nodules could also play a role in the neurological symptoms that some Long-Covid-Patienten experience.

“Our results underline the central role that dysregulated Immune reactions in Covid-19 – not only in the acute infection, but also in long-term consequences such as long Covid,” says Bertram Bengsch from the University of Freiburg, co-author of the study. A better understanding of these processes could lead to new diagnostic and treatment options for long Covid and other long-term consequences of infectious diseases.

Corona: How many people are affected by Long-Covid?

About ten percent of people infected with Corona in Germany report persistent health problems after the illness, which can last for several years. This can go so far that those affected suffer from pathological exhaustion, rapid Overstimulation and suffer from constant pain that makes a normal life impossible (also called myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome). Many sufferers are bedridden and dependent on the care of family or friends. Children and young people are also affected by Long Covid.

Die German Society for ME/CFS statesthat worldwide about 17 million people are suffering from the serious disease. In Germany, by the end of 2021, 500,000 people had already been affected, especially young people.

More on this: Doctor on Long-Covid: “Promises of healing are dubious”

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