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How could we waste a decade with this prime minister – ᐉ News from Fakti.bg – Opinions

FACTS publishes opinions with a wide range of perspectives to encourage constructive debate.

The disturbing thought – how could we waste a whole decade with such a miracle as prime minister? – constantly bothers me, does not give me peace and takes away psychological energy, it is difficult for me to humble myself that at the beginning of the third decade of the Third Millennium in my country the fate of the people was entrusted to poorly educated, ill-mannered, arrogant a talking and totally devoid of strategic thought man!

Really, what was that, how was it possible, it seems like a ridiculous dream to me…
Here I have the report “Global Trends – 2040”, the civilian analyst of the CIA – National Intelligence Council (approximate translation – National Intelligence Council), NIC.

NIC publishes similar reports every four years and I systematically introduce them to students in the lectures on Strategic Forecasting and Scenario Planning.
Now I’m reading, but rather working on the latest, still scorching, extremely fresh NIC report.
An attempt has been made to look into the future.

There is talk of artificial intelligence (this is an approximate translation of Artificial Intelligence), high technology, key trends, leading scenarios, strategic challenges and non-traditional risks, critical uncertainties and difficult to predict uncertainties.
The language is modern and although some things sound controversial, the report is an attempt to look into the future. And any attempt to peek into the future is already an effort to change it.

And I thought – as Prime Minister BB would read this report? No! Even if they translate it for him. Even if they give him 2-3 pages of it – this is the maximum for his ability to concentrate on the written text length of the material. But he is generally not interested in such things…

And here, my intolerance bordering on obsession with a BB-like person in a high position in my country, immediately burned me with pain – God, the world, the West, Europe, Russia, China and whoever else, looking to the future, looking for long-sighted and visionary politicians and leaders, and ours was driving his jeep and checking how the asphalt was laid on a section of several kilometers! Small, simple, superficial, elementary Watson!
Instead of jitting your jeep, sit down and read something useful and obligatory for a prime minister to read !!!

Another NIC report is another occasion for me to say what I say in public and tell in lectures – the need in Bulgaria to have an institution that deals with a look into the future, to perform strategic forecasting and scenario planning, to it helps politicians get on their toes and see what’s beyond the horizon. The past and the present are one and the same, but the futures are more than one and it depends on us which of them will happen to us.
And again to say the grief – BB for these 10 years immersed us, pushes us into such a daily life, with a nose pointing to the feet, with eyes watching where they will step, buried us in banality, in emptiness, in the grayness of survival, in he refused to look ahead.

It is time to stand up, to raise our heads, to look to the future, to free ourselves from the incompetence of the blind for what lies ahead, and to live with thought and responsibility for at least the next decade, until 2030. And when get rid of chicken blindness and disinterest in our destinies as Bulgaria, as a society, as a society, we can think about the next decade – the one until 2040.
Smart and sensible people around the world are already doing it. We have to do it in our country as well.

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