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How come the client’s investment money hasn’t been returned? This said Boss Jouska

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – The management of PT Jouska Finansial Indonesia (Jouska), an investment advisory service company, which is currently having problems with client refunds, stated that they are still processing an amicable settlement with their clients.

According to management, the delay in refunds is due to the many parties involved in the process.

CEO Jouska Aakar Abyasa Fidzuno said that the fund settlement process was not carried out between Jouska and the client, but by PT Mahesa Strategis Indonesia, a company that signed an agreement with Jouska’s client for stock investment.

Meanwhile, Jouska only acts as the party providing services advisory or financial advisory services, consulting. In this case Aakar also serves as the President Commissioner of the Mahesa.

“What we have done so far is a peaceful settlement with clients or settlement. That is also with Mahesa, because the client’s contract with Jouska is advisory [jasa penasihat keuangan, konsultasi]. So settlement yesterday on behalf [atas nama] Mahesa, “Aakar told CNBC Indonesia, Friday (2/10/2020).

Photo: Jouska Press Conference (CNBC Indonesia / Shalini)
Jouska Press Conference (CNBC Indonesia / Shalini)-

He also emphasized that his party has never made compensation to clients, because in investing, compensation cannot be made due to stock price movements which have become a market risk.

Aakar admitted that currently the process of completing the fund settlement process is currently still running slowly. Because many parties are involved in the process.

“There is progress but it is slow. Because the party that should be responsible is still not final,” he continued.

He said the parties in question included Mahesa Strategis Indonesia, securities companies, issuers and consultants for the initial public offering (initial public offering/IPO).

Regarding the involvement of securities, the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) stated that the examination of PT Phillip Sekuritas Indonesia was not open to the public, including information about sanctions.

“It is not open to the public,” said Director of Trade and Regulation of IDX Exchange Members, Laksono Widodo, Tuesday (25/8/2020). Laksono only emphasized that Phillip’s examination would be coordinated with the Financial Services Authority (OJK).

Phillip is the underwriter of the initial public offering (IPO) of PT Sentral Mitra Informatika Tbk (LUCK), shares purchased by a number of Jouska’s clients.

For information, LUCK is engaged in the printing and document solutions business and sales of information technology products. The company started commercial operations in November 2008. LUCK was listed on the IDX on 28 November 2018.

In a press statement two months ago, Monday (3/8/2020), Aakar conveyed the responsibility for solving the problem of the stock investment portfolio losses suffered by Jouska’s clients.

Broadly speaking, in a press statement, Aakar asked for the client’s discretion to be able to give it until September 1, 2020 to be able to compile and then convey a strategy related to the settlement of claims for compensation suffered by clients through a peace letter that will be submitted and agreed upon with each other. each client.

It’s just that, a month has passed, entering this October, this ‘compensation’ fund has not been returned by Jouska, as complained by one of his former clients, namely Daisy. This former client refused to give her real name for her safety.

He explained he had waited until the period mentioned by Jouska, September 1, for the refund process. But after that period he still didn’t get any clarity, even Jouska’s side tended to dodge.

“I asked the Jouska, the employees turned out to be laid off and there were rights that were not paid and difficulties were also in contact with Jouska,” he explained to CNBC Indonesia, Friday (2/10/2020).

“I asked Indah Hapsari [Co-founder Jouska] he directed me to the name Jouska Indonesia Legal Admin. I asked him many times when he said it was verification, “he continued.

This led Daisy to finally join other customers who chose legal channels to solve the problem.

At the beginning of September, to be precise on September 3, as many as 10 of Jouska’s clients, in their report to the police, stated that there had been financial losses which had not been resolved by Jouska.

That is why this issue has led clients to complain about the CEO and Founder of Jouska, Aakar and their affiliated companies to Polda Metro Jaya.

One of Farid Ganio Tjokrosoeseno’s clients said he had suffered a big loss. However, he did not mention the nominal amount of the losses he had suffered.

“The financial losses we have suffered are large, so it is time to be resolved legally like we are doing now,” said Farid, in Jakarta, Thursday (3/9/2020).

Farid said that when he entered into a cooperation contract with Jouska, he had already discussed the financial arrangement plan. In practice, he has contracted with several alternating corporate entities.

“Until then there was a loss, there we felt that there was something that needed to be resolved. There we then tried to solve it, but nothing happened. That then made us go this way,” explained Farid.

On this Thursday, lawyer for 10 of Jouska’s clients, Rinto Wardana, said that he had reported the three affiliated companies and Aakar to Polda Metro Jaya for fraud.

Apart from fraud, violations were reported related to fake news and money laundering crimes.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

(bag bag)

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