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How civil protection works in Würzburg

With the announcement of the disaster, the crisis team in the district office started work. In which areas do the members work?

It has a bulky name, but it has an important function: FüGK is the leading group for civil protection at the district office. In the event of a disaster, it coordinates all measures taken by the authorities, departments, organizations and emergency services that are involved in dealing with the respective disaster. The catastrophe that made this leadership group necessary was announced in Bavaria by Prime Minister Markus Söder in mid-March. This is how the work of the FüGK began. But how exactly does it work?

Experts in various areas

“In the event of a disaster, we have our hats on,” says Eva-Maria Löffler. She heads the crisis team with two meetings a day. In a conversation with this editorial office, she calls this a “briefing”. Which topics are discussed depends on the current Corona situation in the region. “For example, we keep an eye on the homes for the elderly,” she says. The reports also deal with protective equipment or new cases of corona infected people. The crisis team is staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The members take turns in shifts.

“In the event of a disaster, we have our hats on.”

Eva-Maria Löffler

This is where Andreas Dreßel comes into play as “internal service”. It is thanks to him that the crisis team works around the clock. The division of personnel for shift work falls into his area of ​​work, because the FüGK must also be accessible at night. “That is not so common for an administrative service, “jokes Dreßel.

Many little things are added to the complicated planning. Because every employee who comes to the authority from outside, for example, must have access to the system, an e-mail inbox and much more. “I’m not getting bored,” he says.

As local operations manager, Philipp Remberger knows how difficult it is still to get protective material.
      Photo: Ulises Ruiz

A fight for every mask

In the situation briefing, which takes place twice a day, one of the local operations managers (short: ÖEL) gives the floor to the various work areas. Philipp Remberger is one of them and coordinates – as an “extended arm”, as he says – the various emergency services. Protective equipment is still a big issue. The Free State supplies protective materials that are delivered to a secret logistics center in the district. From there, they are distributed to facilities and locations that urgently need material.

“For example, hospitals and nursing homes have priority,” said Remberger. He knows that prioritization doesn’t just make friends. “We have to campaign a lot for understanding here, because the material is limited. We fight for every mask,” he says. In addition there are dubious offers or the picking up of masks, which, according to the head of operations, is equivalent to modern piracy.

The catastrophe continues to apply

The army is also in the boat. Günther Bernhard is the link between the Bundeswehr and the district. Up until now, work there has been limited to administrative tasks. For example, the Bundeswehr supports personnel on the Corona test track in Würzburger Zellerau. It is unlikely that the FüGK will soon be “unemployed”.

Although there have been no rapidly increasing new infections in the past few days, the disaster still applies. For the members, who all volunteer in addition to the actual job in the disaster management management group, the district office continues to be the linchpin of their everyday life.

A group picture in the boardroom? In the corona crisis, the meadow in front of the district office is the better place for it.
A group picture in the boardroom? In the corona crisis, the meadow in front of the district office is the better place for it.
      Photo: Ulises Ruiz


The FüGK consists of more people and areas. These are: District Administrator, Head of FüGK, Press and Public Relations (Mayor’s Office / Press Office), Head of Department for Civil Protection (Office for Environment, Fire and Disaster Protection), KatS Officer (Office for Environment, Fire and Disaster Protection), K-Plan (Office for Environmental, Fire and Disaster Protection), operations diary, situation map guide, communication group of the FüGK (KomFü), expert representatives of other departments of the civil protection authority (internal liaison officers), representatives of other professionally affected authorities, services and organizations (external liaison officers, specialist advisers, for Example from the fire brigade or the THW), experts, auxiliary staff (“procurer”).

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