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How Carrie from ‘Sex and the City’ has grown and inspired friendships

That sounds really hopeful.

I think so. Generally speaking, Carrie is quite a hopeful person, quite optimistic despite asking a lot of questions and analyzing everything. She believes in New York, relationships and staying close to people and friends.

How do you think Carrie has changed or developed as a person?

Carrie, like all people, grows and changes. Life experiences, professional experiences, romantic experiences, and experiences related to specific promises… It’s not radically different from other people’s growth and changes that happen over a decade.

The most important thing that does not make her unique, but different from other friends, is the death of her husband.

Therefore, it definitely affects how she lives every day and how she deals with memories. But I think that love is not an unusual phenomenon between people.

You have been with this character for a very long time. Have you learned anything from her?

I don’t know if I have learned anything from her, but the way she maintains her relationships with others is inspiring. I don’t have as much time as she does for her friendships. I still don’t understand how these characters manage to make time for countless lunches. But it has been inspiring to me – what a friend she is. What friendships mean to her, even if I myself am not able to devote the same time and attention to my friends. I loved living her life and making the kind of bold decisions she makes that I wouldn’t make on a daily basis, or dressing like I wouldn’t. It’s a life I’ve lived parallel to my own, and it’s been very interesting.

2023-07-17 21:01:12
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