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How can life insurance help you fight breast cancer?

Breast cancer, whose world day is celebrated today, October 19, is the disease with higher incidence among Spanish women, according to the estimates of the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM). In a situation of this caliber, it is important that both the affected person and their relatives have the necessary protection, such as life insurance.

In addition, the incidence of breast cancer and other types of cancers in women has experienced a significant increase in recent years. The Spanish Cancer Association (AECC) warns that one in five cancer patients have not yet been diagnosed due to the decline in health activity due to the situation resulting from the pandemic.

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The Director of Protection Insurance at BanSabadell Seguros, José Manuel Veigahe argues that “life insurance offers the peace of mind of knowing that no matter what happens, a family and the policyholder will maintain the standard of living for as long as necessary to readjust to the new situation. This is the main goal of BanSabadell Vida Life Care Life Insuranceas it covers, in addition to death, absolute permanent disability, whether due to injury or illness.

In addition, Life Care Mujer life insurance helps with an economic endowment of up to € 70,000 in case of serious illness derived from female cancer (breast, ovary or uterus, among others).

Life insurance adaptable to any circumstance

Life Care Mujer life insurance covers all types of scenarios that can occur. Not only does it provide financial support in the event of death or absolute permanent disability, due to injury or illness, It also allows you to apply for a capital advance.

For example, it is very common that, from the moment of diagnosis, it suffers you have to stop working to focus on treatment and recovery. Likewise, it is common for them to be forced to incur extra medical bills and, on some occasions, to have to adapt elements of daily life in the home or in the car to make them more accessible.

For these reasons, Life Care Mujer life insurance is adapted to each particular situation. If the owner has minor children, protects their future so they can afford it without having to give up their standard of living (University college …). It also provides, free of charge, double capital coverage in the event of the simultaneous death of the insured and the spouse. As for women who do not have dependent children, it guarantees financial stability for both you and your relatives in the event of death or disability by adapting the insured capital to your situation.

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Wide variety of toppings

Life insurance has evolved in recent years to protect the policyholder in the event of death or absolute permanent disability, but also with a a wide range of covers to take care of you and protect you in other areas of life, such as the well-being and health of the whole family.

The BanSabadell Vida Life Care Life Insurance offers additional health services such as unlimited medical visits, contrasted diagnoses or the possibility of seeking a second medical opinion when necessary, as well as personalized advice on nutrition, allergies and infant nutrition. In this way, each client can enjoy a complete offer for his life insurance, competitive and adapted to his profile.

Other life insurance benefits

Life insurance offers other benefits in addition to the coverages mentioned above. For example, assimilate burial and cremation expenses when someone dies, even without having taken out funeral insurance. In addition, in some autonomous communities, after death, it is necessary to pay inheritance and gift tax to be able to enjoy an inheritance, a situation in which life insurance money can help pay for this (sometimes, certainly burdensome) procedure. .

Either way, the best thing to do is have the support of a professional which will resolve any doubts about hiring a life insurance. This expert will inform you on the product that best suits each person’s needs.

Banco Sabadell, in its commitment to the fight against cancer, makes a donation of three euros for cancer research for each policy Life Care Woman Life Insurance. The institution has collaborated with AECC, biobanks and Hospital Sant Joan de Déu and, in total, has already contributed 154,000 euros to support scientific research, associations and cancer centers.

This content was produced by BLUEMEDIA STUDIO, Henneo’s Branded Content unit.

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