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How Brits can get a residence permit in Norway after Brexit – Norway

The UK’s departure from the EU has ended the free movement of British people in the European Economic Area or the EEA (EU countries plus Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway).

This has made it much more difficult for the British to relocate and move to Norway, and they will need some kind of residence permit to live in Norway.

Britons who were legal residents of the country before Brexit will also need to apply for a residence permit to continue living, working and studying in Norway as they did before the UK left the bloc. You can read more about that here.

To move to Norway, you will need a residence permit. For newcomers, this will be a temporary residence permit. There are several ways to obtain a temporary residence permit in Norway, which will be valid for between one and three years. After five years in Norway, you can apply for permanent residence.

Labor immigration

To obtain a residence permit to work, you will most likely have been offered a job first, and the type of permit you apply for will depend on your line of work.

You can qualify as a skilled worker if you have completed higher education or vocational training. A skilled worker must also have demonstrated that they have work experience in their specific field before applying for the skilled worker permit.

If you have received a skilled worker permit but have not yet received a residence permit, you can apply for an entry visa to come to live in Norway until your residence permit has been completed.

READ MORE: How to get a work permit in Norway

Please note that your job offer / contract must be for a full-time position for this type of leave. If it is for 80 percent of the full-time hours, then it will be accepted. But if you do less, your request will be denied. If you are lucky, your employer will help you with the application process.

You can also apply for a job applicant visa. You will need to be seeking employment as a skilled worker and you must have at least 22,167 crowns per month, or a total of 132,999 crowns for six months available in financing. This must be the financing itself and be in a Norwegian bank account.

On the subject of money, an application fee will apply. This is 6,300 crowns in most cases.

You can also travel to Norway as a temporary worker. However, this is less straightforward and more difficult to obtain than a skilled worker visa. You can read more about that here.

In the meantime, more details can be found on the types of skilled workers who can come to Norway. here.

Family immigration

The spouses, partners, fiancees, children, parents and other family members of Norwegian residents may be eligible to apply for family immigration. In most cases, you will have to pay a first time application fee of 10,500 kr. You can read more about the rates here.

The reference person (the person living in Norway you plan to move for) will need to have a certain income level. This is 273,648 crowns per year. You can read more about the income requirements. here.

Everyone applying for family immigration must also document their identity.

The spouses must have plans to live in Norway, the marriage must be valid and the marriage must not be forced or a union of convenience. Also, applicants must be at least 24 years old.

In the case of cohabitants, you must be 18 years old, have lived together for at least two years and not be married to anyone else or be expecting or have a child together. You can read about the details here.

Those requesting to be with their partner or spouse must also provide evidence of the legitimacy of the relationship.

Parents who have ongoing joint responsibility or custody of a child in Norway can also apply for family immigration.

In many cases, those applying under the “other family” group will only have their applications approved when strong humanitarian reasons are considered. However, the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI) does not take into account any particular requirements or guidelines.

You can check the most common reasons why family immigration permits are rejected here on the website of the Board of Immigration Appeals (UNE).

You can read in more detail about family immigration and check what applies to your specific situation here.

Residence card for relatives of EU / EEA citizens

Those from outside the EU / EEA, including the British after Brexit, can apply for a green card if the family member they want to stay with is an EU / EEA citizen.

This has several pros and cons compared to the family immigration route, including not having to pay an application fee. There are also no income requirements for the reference person. It is also reported that the processing time of the case is shorter.

On the other hand, it will take longer to apply for permanent residence compared to family immigration (five years instead of three).

You can compare the differences in more detail. here.

Permission to study

If you want to study in Norway, you can also be granted residency. You must have been accepted into a Norwegian educational institution and have sufficient funds to support yourself. The money may consist of student loan grants and your own funds. The UDI will also include any income from a part-time job.

Also, you must have a place to live. You can read more about study permits. here.

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