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How are young people coping in the pandemic? – Pfaffenweiler

No youth room, no parties, no places to chill out: How do young people experience the corona pandemic? We spoke to some of them about their current life situation.

Going to school and meeting classmates, having fun on the football field in the afternoon or just chilling out together in the youth room – none of this is possible in times of Corona. But how do young people cope with it? And are you afraid of infecting yourself and then maybe your grandma or grandpa too? The Breisgau editorial team spoke to some young people about their current life situation.

Ronja and Olivia are better at school now

Recorded by Andrea Drescher

They haven’t lost their good mood. But the fact that they cannot do anything with friends, that the birthday party had to be canceled, that cinema visits are not possible and that the internship they just got was canceled, that annoys Ronja and Olivia a bit about Corona. Because what would now be possible in the partial lockdown – going for a walk, cycling – is of less interest to the Pfaffenweiler sisters. But Gutjahr does not have any complaints about the pandemic. Rather, there are even positive things to report: Both teenagers say that they have even gotten better at school in the past few months.

“I’m trying more out what can be done from home.” Ronja Gutjahr, however, has to do without hip-hop dancing in a Freiburg dance school, which was possible again after the first lockdown, taking into account the distance rules. Now it’s over again. She misses it. …

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