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How Anita Lost 300 Kilograms and Regained Her Health: A Life-Changing Weight Loss Journey

Anita, a 27-year-old girl, suffered from excessive obesity due to her eating.

In detail, Anita’s weight exceeded three hundred kilograms, and she suffered from the side effects of obesity, such as high blood pressure inside her head, blurry or dim vision, severe back pain, not having enough balance to wear high heels, and the inability to bend over to tie shoes.

Her fear of becoming blind made Anita change her diet, and she adopted a simple but magical method to lose weight, which was to stop eating at night and abstain from sweets around the clock.

Anita needed to accelerate her weight loss process to save her life from the health complications caused by obesity, so the latter underwent gastric sleeve surgery.

In this context, Anita adopted a healthy lifestyle. She began walking daily, exercising three times a week, and monitoring what she ate to maintain her new weight. She lost about 70 kilograms within 14 months.

Anita says that losing weight “was liberating” and that she “feels free now.” (LBC)

2023-12-20 17:21:33

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