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How Animals See the World – Sour Things


While there are three types of color-sensitive cone cells in the retina of the human eye, there are only two types of cone cells in the retina of the dog. therefore dogs can only perceive the colors brown, yellow and blue. But contrary to popular belief, they do not see the world in black and white. they also have a wider peripheral field of view than humans, as their eyes are located slightly further to the side of their face than humans.


To protect the eyes of cats, there is another eyelid on the inside. They can see colors. their color perception is similar to the color perception of a colorblind person; they can see shades of blue and green, but red and pinks are a bit confusing. Their eyes also have the tapetum lucidum, which is used for hunting at night. Since this layer reflects the light falling on the back of the eye back to the retina, they double the amount of light available at night, allowing them to see much more comfortably at night. While the human eye can see better in the light environment, cats have more advantage in dim light and dark.


Birds can detect ultraviolet rays that humans cannot detect. In addition, strong eye muscles allow them to focus only on a certain place. A snow eagle easily sees and hunts a white rabbit 2.5 km away in a snow-covered area. His eyes work like a telescope. They have a high contrast sensitivity. He also has double retinas.


flies have hundreds of thousands of microscopic lenses in their eyes. They can see ultraviolet rays, but they cannot perceive far. Also, pixel-by-pixel vision perceptions are always in slow motion.


snakes have heat sensors in their facial pits. In this way, they can detect the infrared rays emitted by the body heat of their prey at night. and this detection is sensitive enough to detect a 0.003°C increase in ambient temperature in as little as thirty-five thousandths of a second. this sensitivity is so great that they can track their prey by detecting the heat emanating from the footprints of their prey far away.


Although sharks can clearly distinguish what they see in the water, for them the world is just black and white. but small fish see red, green and blue around with ultraviolet rays.


Finally, mice see the world in blur and slow motion. The biggest difference of this mammal from us is that since each eye moves independently of each other, they can perceive everywhere at once with their eyes looking at different angles.


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