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How and when do I get a vaccination appointment in Lower Franconia?

The first people in Bavaria were vaccinated against the corona virus on December 27. Initially mainly residents in homes and medical or nursing staff. Everyone else has to wait, but some can make an appointment at the vaccination center.

Who will be vaccinated first?

According to the Bavarian Ministry of Health, the corona vaccination will initially be offered to people over 80 years of age as well as residents in retirement and nursing homes. These are particularly at risk. Medical staff with a very high risk of infection and staff in the care of the elderly are also first in line. If enough vaccine is available, “vaccination should be open to the entire Bavarian population”, according to the ministry.

How many doses of vaccine are available?

According to the Ministry of Health, up to 4050 people can be vaccinated in Lower Franconia every day. The prerequisite is that sufficient vaccine is available. The good news: On December 26th, the announced 100 vaccination doses were delivered to every district and every urban district for the start of vaccination. And before the turn of the year? on December 29th and 31st ?? two deliveries with supplies were expected. This is how many vaccination doses the individual Lower Franconian districts will get by New Year’s Eve:

  • City and district of Würzburg: 1850, from January 975 weekly
  • City and district of Schweinfurt: until New Year’s Eve 1220
  • City and district of Aschaffenburg: 1950
  • Main-Spessart district: 500
  • Bad Kissingen district: no information
  • District of Rhön-Grabfeld: at least 300
  • Kitzingen district: 710
  • District of Haßberge: 640
  • Miltenberg district: 1150


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How do you find out that it is your turn?

Most recently, a video conference with Health Minister Melanie Huml and representatives of the districts said that the ministry would write to the people concerned. According to the participants, it initially concerned people over 80 who do not live in a retirement home. It is therefore still unclear when this letter should be sent.

Which vaccination center is responsible?

There is no free choice of the vaccination center. Rather, citizens have to go to the vaccination center at their place of residence or at the place of their permanent residence, according to the Ministry of Health. “That applies even if another vaccination center is closer or easier to reach.” Exceptions, however, also confirm the rule here: In Würzburg, for example, residents of the city and district can freely decide whether to visit the vaccination center on the Talavera in the city area or in the district in Giebelstadt.

When can I make a vaccination appointment?

That differs from district to district. In Würzburg, Kitzingen and the Haßbergen, people who are currently eligible for vaccination can already make appointments at the respective vaccination centers. A date for the second necessary vaccination will be set 21 days later. However, the vaccine made available at the moment is mainly used for the mobile vaccination teams who vaccinate residents in senior citizens’ facilities and their staff, according to Kitzingen. A spokeswoman for the Haßberge district office explains that appointments are already being made, “because we open the vaccination center if necessary, when it is foreseeable that the existing vaccine cannot be completely vaccinated by the mobile teams”.

In Schweinfurt and Aschaffenburg as well as in the districts of Main-Spessart, Bad Kissingen, Rhön-Grabfeld and Miltenberg, however, no appointments have yet been made. The authorities responsible there usually assume that this will be possible in the course of January ?? provided that enough vaccine is available. However, some districts do not want to commit themselves yet. For example, a spokeswoman at the Bad Kissingen district office points out that the function for making appointments in the vaccination software of the Bavarian Ministry of Health is not yet available. From Rhön-Grabfeld and Miltenberg it is said that they want to first complete the vaccinations in retirement and nursing homes.

Which documents do I have to bring to vaccination?

The following documents should be presented:

  • Appointment confirmation
  • ID card or passport
  • if necessary, a confirmation from the employer
  • Vaccination certificate (if available)
  • Insurance card from the health insurance company (if available)
  • medical records ?? if available ?? such as heart card, diabetic ID or a list of medications

You can also have the Information sheet from the RKI and a Declaration of consent Download it from the Ministry of Health’s website and complete it. If the declaration of consent is given by a legal guardian, is an extra form required.

What does the vaccination cost?

Vaccination is free for citizens regardless of their insurance status. According to the Ministry of Health, the federal government bears the cost of the vaccine. The federal states, together with the health insurance companies, bear the costs of running the vaccination centers.

Accessibility of the vaccination centers that are already making appointments

  • Würzburg: Tel. (0931) 8000-844, online at www.impfen-wuerzburg.de
  • Kitzingen: Tel. (09321) 704-1818
  • Haßberge: Tel. (09521) 27-600

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