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How America’s Armies Fought Smallpox During the Civil War

Covid-19, des chercheurs ont décidé d'opérer un retour dans le passé et de se pencher sur le cas d'une autre maladie virale, la variole. Grâce à des prélèvements effectués sur des kits de vaccination datant de la Guerre de Sécession, ils ont pu découvrir comment les soldats américains étaient vaccinés durant la seconde moitié du 19e siècle." data-reactid="23">While many countries remain on alert since the Covid-19 pandemic, researchers have decided to go back in time and look into the case of another viral disease, smallpox. Thanks to samples taken from vaccination kits dating from the Civil War, they were able to discover how American soldiers were vaccinated during the second half of the 19th century.

And Edward Jenner invented vaccination

understanding the history, evolution and how viruses can function as vaccines is extremely important“even today,” explains geneticist Hendrik Poinar, co-author of a study published on July 20, 2020 in the journal and conducted by an international team. data-reactid = “25”> Smallpox was one of the most devastating viral diseases, killing three in ten people infected. The survivors were often disabled or disfigured. If it was finally eradicated in 1980 thanks to a massive campaign by the World Health Organization, it remains the only human infectious disease in this case even today. So “understanding the history, evolution and how viruses can function as vaccines is extremely important“even today,” explains geneticist Hendrik Poinar, co-author of a study published on July 20, 2020 in the journal and conducted by an international team.

Remarkable observer, he quickly unraveled the mystery: all contracted, in contact with the udder of the cow, the cowpox, that is to say the smallpox of the cow, benign disease which immunizes cheaply against the human smallpox, tells on his site.In 1796, Jenner inoculated a little cowpox (English name of the vaccine, editor’s note)in the arm of little James Phibbs, who never had smallpox. A pustule forms. Three weeks later, he inoculated her with human smallpox pus. Nothing follows. […]“data-reactid =” 26 “> The active fight against smallpox dates back to the year 1796 when the British Edward Jenner discovered that the vaccine, or cow pox, allows, if the virus is administered to humans, to fight actively against smallpox, more aggressive. Dr Edwar Jenner notices that some cowhorts do not seem to be affected by it. “Remarkable observer, he quickly unraveled the mystery: all contracted, in contact with the udder of the cow, the cowpox, that is to say the smallpox of the cow, benign disease which immunizes cheaply against the human smallpox, tells on his site. In 1796, Jenner inoculated a little cowpox (English name of the vaccine, editor’s note) in the arm of little James Phibbs, who never had smallpox. A pustule forms. Three weeks later, he inoculated her with human smallpox pus. Nothing follows. […]

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