Home » Health » How a Meat-Free Diet Can Affect Your Hair Health: Expert Advice and Recommended Foods

How a Meat-Free Diet Can Affect Your Hair Health: Expert Advice and Recommended Foods

We get most of the nutrients our body needs from the food we eat. So when your diet doesn’t include meat, it also doesn’t include certain nutrients that may be difficult or impossible to get from other sources. This can have a huge impact on your health.

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Jessica Cho, an integrative medicine specialist and hair restoration specialist, claims that not eating meat can affect hair growth and health, according to wellandgood.com

“Hair nutrients such as iron, biotin, vitamin D, vitamin B12 and selenium come mainly from meat, so you need to be very cautious when choosing to remove them from your diet”, says Dr. Cho. This could mean that your hair doesn’t grow as fast as it used to and can also lead to excessive thinning and shedding.

Dr. Cho advised non-meat eaters to include more nuts, seeds, beans and lentils in their diet, which “having important nutrients for hair”.

The idea that vegetarians and vegans cannot meet their daily nutrient needs (especially when it comes to protein) is a misconception. It is perfectly possible to get what you need, but it requires a little more research and interest.

Also, when it comes to hair health, Dr. Cho recommends using supplements as well.

What foods are recommended to have healthy hair

Specialists recommend foods rich in vitamin B, iron, zinc and protein. Nutritionists say that in order to have healthy hair, your diet should not lack milk and cottage cheese, two sources rich in calcium. Minerals in milk help hair grow faster, some studies say. Beef, chicken and salmon should not be missing from your diet. These foods are rich in vitamin B, zinc and contain an increased amount of protein.

Eggs are also on the list of foods that can help you have rich and healthy hair. Learn more hair care tips for women over 50. Not only meat is beneficial for hair health, but also vegetables and fruits can help you to have healthy hair. Beans are rich in nutrients and fiber.

This quickly gives you the feeling of satiety and also provides you with the nutrients you need. Spinach, carrots and broccoli are other recommended vegetables in your daily diet. Hair health also depends on how we hydrate. Water is extremely important to have thick and shiny hair. Thus, specialists recommend not to skip the hydration step to have healthy hair.

Last but not least, care products are equally important. Hair needs our care and attention. Exposed to heat sources repeatedly, it can become much thinner and more brittle.

2023-05-05 16:07:13
#hair #people #eat #meat #truth

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