Home » today » World » Houston to target new batch of covid-19 vaccines to more vulnerable communities | Univision 45 Houston KXLN

Houston to target new batch of covid-19 vaccines to more vulnerable communities | Univision 45 Houston KXLN

HOUSTON, Texas. – The Houston Department of Health will allocate a new batch of vaccines against the coronavirus to the most vulnerable populations of the city, as reported this Friday.

“We know it is important to vaccinate the most vulnerable people and they should be among the first to get vaccinated,” said Sylvester Turner, Mayor of Houston.

The city received 9,000 doses of the vaccine on Thursday and is expected to administer them beginning February 1. This new measure to vaccinate the populations most in need means that the health department cannot have appointments available for the next week.

People who qualify in phase 1A and 1B must make an appointment to receive the dose of the vaccine, however, these appointments are full for this week, according to health authorities.

If you want to know when and where you can get the vaccine or the pages to make an appointment in the counties of the Houston area, you can click here.

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