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houston on top

What a surprise Doña Macalota took. She returned early from a trip and found Don Chinguetas, her husband, rejoicing with the maid of the house. She asked him furiously, “Can you explain why I surprise you like this?” “Of course I can,” replied the flippant man. “You’re wearing shoes with soft soles, and I didn’t hear you arrive”… Don Cucurulo had a toothache, which is why he went to a dentist’s office. He told him: “Without having to extract the piece, I will make you forget his pain.” And right away she told him the cost of her treatment, which equaled the price of a late-model car. “It’s a lot of money,” objected Don Cucurulo. “That’s right,” the professional acknowledged, “but you’ll forget about your toothache forever. Ask your friend Don Algon. I applied the treatment to him, and he hasn’t remembered the problem again.” So did Don Cucurulo. He went to Don Algon and asked him if the dentist’s treatment had made him forget about the toothache. “I’ll tell you,” replied the interrogated man. “He gave me the treatment a year ago. Last week my secretary opened a desk drawer. I got too close, and when he violently closed it, he caught my testicles with the drawer. That’s the only one moment in which I have forgotten the toothache”… The demonstrations of support that have been paid to him by the morenistas show that with the matter of his son, López Obrador came to him, if not the world above, yes for the minus Houston. Faced with the impossibility of correcting the incorrigible, AMLO strikes blind and deaf, although certainly not dumb, because he continues to shout his rancor and his threats. It is a shame for Mexico that poverty and ignorance are the pillars on which the President’s strength rests. The expressions of disapproval that the Loret de Mola case has brought him do not reach the foundations on which the Tabascan builds his popularity, and therefore they do not take away an iota of power. Conscientious citizens increasingly repudiate the Caudillo of the 4T, but they are in an absolute minority before a people that has not had access to the goods of education, and that can thus be easily controlled through gifts, just like other Sectors, which are neither poor nor ignorant, remain guiltyly silent in the face of López’s abuses of power, because of the privileges they have received and continue to receive from him. The country is sinking before our eyes, and we can do nothing but cry out in the desert. Intemperate and illegal violence against his critics and total complacency for his unconditional ones are the sign of the Maximum Boss of the 4T. A misfortune has befallen Mexico, a misfortune that the monotonous and repetitive rants of the owner of power cannot cover up. And the end of his domain is not in sight, which he will surely seek to prolong by himself or by an intermediary in the absence of a consistent Opposition to stand up to him. Corruption has not disappeared; poverty has increased, as has insecurity; inflation is rampant; the health of Mexicans suffers the consequences of official ineptitude; the national economy is in danger. And the worst thing is that everything indicates that the evils that we are seeing now are minor compared to those that we may see in these coming years. Poor Mexico, so far from good government and so close to populism, demagoguery and absolutism… The nurse who took the patient’s temperature had an exuberant bust and wore a blouse with a deep neckline. She informed the doctor: “The gentleman has a temperature of 39 degrees.” She ruled the doctor. “Subtract two from the neckline and the rest.” END.

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