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Housing, transport, health… the regions where you spend the most!

1,055 euros: this is what the French spend on average for their fixed costs, according to data collected by the comparator Les Furets between February 24 and March 4, 2021. These constrained – and incompressible – expenses consist of housing costs , transport, telecommunications and health. But depending on whether you live in Brittany or in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, the amounts of your bills will not be the same.

If we are to believe the constrained expenditure index drawn up by the comparator Les Furets, it is the inhabitants of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté who pay the highest bill each month, to the tune of 1,174 euros. It is in this region that the average prices of communications, transport and financial services are the most important. On the podium of the most expensive regions follow the Grand Est (1,116 euros per month), then Ile-de-France (1,070 euros).

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Conversely, it is in Occitania that constrained spending is lowest. The inhabitants of the region spend an average of 1,007 euros per month for their fixed costs, including only 79 euros per month devoted to health, against an average budget of 99 euros for all French people. The second cheapest region is Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (1,017 euros per month), followed by Hauts-de-France (1,019 euros).

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Overall stable figures since November 2020

Compared to the first edition of the Les Furets study drawn up last November, the average monthly budget for the restricted expenses of the French remains stable, falling only by 6 euros (1,061 euros in November, against 1,055 euros in February). Rent or mortgage remains the most important item of expenditure, costing the French on average 657 euros per month, always followed by car credit and consumer credit.

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A slight difference can nevertheless be observed in the level of budget allocated to the latter. Due to the restrictions linked to the national curfew, the French have been led to consume less. Thus, while in November 2020 the average budget devoted to consumer loans amounted to 169 euros, it fell slightly last month, to reach 153 euros.

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