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Housing allowance in Bottrop: check the right – Education & Social Affairs – BOTTROPER ZEITUNG

– Announcement –

From 1 January 2023, more citizens will be entitled to the housing allowance. Housing Benefit supports low-income families with their housing costs. As affordable living space becomes increasingly scarce, many families are dependent on state aid such as housing benefit to be able to pay rent or the burden of self-financed living space. Regular adjustments ensure that the housing subsidy will continue to relieve low-income families in the future.

The citizens’ office of the city of Bottrop is already preparing for the amendment of the law of 1 January 2023. Staff are currently being recruited who will also process the growing number of applications. In order to support low-income families as housing costs rise before the changes are made, the Citizens Advice Bureau is now asking affected individuals to have housing benefit applications reviewed under the old law.

The housing benefit requires your own income. The current (net) limit is €1,024 for a single family unit, €1,401 for two family members, €1,703 for three family members and €2,236 for four family members.

– Announcement –

The citizen’s office informs that the current housing benefit payments already approved until 2023 will be automatically recalculated on 01.01.23. A new housing subsidy application is not required for this. A new application should therefore only be submitted after the specified approval period has expired.

The NRW housing minister stressed that the calculation method cannot be timely converted to the new law at the beginning of the year, meaning that the amounts would not have been paid under the new law. It is therefore expected that further payments will be made in spring 2023. However, the current housing benefit amounts will be paid as usual.

The Citizens Advice Bureau’s Housing Allowance Office provides more information at www.bottrop.de and entering the search term “Wohngeld”. There you will also find a link to a housing benefit calculator which will be updated from mid-December 2022 and which will allow you to apply online.

Employees of the Citizen’s Housing Office are already available for further advice and information on housing reform on 02041 70-3268.

– Announcement –

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