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‘Households pay top prize to heat network’ | Money

This is apparent from an inventory by the Woonbond, an interest group for tenants.

The maximum heat tariff that companies may charge is determined annually by the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM). That maximum is linked to the gas price, which is currently sky-high. Heat companies themselves choose to what extent they pass on the maximum to their customers.

Eneco the most expensive

Anyone who is a customer of Ennatural will pay no less than 89% more this year. But of all the providers surveyed, you pay the highest price per gigajoule at Eneco: €43.67, no less than 78% more than in the previous year. An average household will have to spend 41% more money for heat in 2022. This includes both fixed and variable costs. At Eneco, the average household is the worst off: they will pay no less than € 2084.36 on an annual basis: € 667.45 more than last year.

The Woonbond sees the exorbitantly increased rates as a reason to better protect heat consumers – who cannot switch energy suppliers like others – and to better insulate homes. “The link between the gas price and the maximum rates for heat is intended to protect consumers. But due to the high gas price, the heat rate has become much too high,” says Woonbond director Zeno Winkels. “It is therefore better to let go of the clutch.”

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