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“House of the Dragon”… Another off-screen conflict

The work offers a unique and elaborate experience and an authentic story (HBO)

Opinions differ on the series.”Dragon house(House of the Dragon), which HBO has finally finished airing. Some have boycotted the whole series, on the pretext that the lighting inside is low and dim, and you can’t see what’s going on. And there are those who saw it as a wonderful TV show and as an extension of the fame and craftsmanship of Thrones’ “Game of Thrones” series). HBO extensionAnd we’re still in season one, and like all HBO series, this season of “House of the Dragon” is just a prelude to what’s to come next.
It can be said, firstly, that the series contains everything that the audience wanted and expected. You want dragons, here’s a pack of them, sex and incest and constant tension about it, this is it! Fighting, you have a lot, deformities, diseases and eye gouging, some of you too. A badge changes in each episode to satisfy the wishes of the fans of the series as well. However, after all this, we are facing a prelude to a civil war. Time passes years between each episode and second, leaving us to fill in the blanks and rediscover the characters. As if “Dragon House” bets that the public is active and curious. And what does not appear on the screen, the presenters of the YouTube programs will talk about, and they will return to the original series and the book, as if we were faced with a struggle that also takes place off the screen, and a constant search for the meaning of what that we see.
The House of the Dragon reveals the conflict within a single family and the overlapping of its offspring. We are dealing with a different hypothesis from the traditional ones on the division of power: we are not dealing with King Lear, who wants to divide his kingdom among his daughters while he is alive, and we are not dealing with Oedipus, who inherited the kingdom and its sin, but rather a struggle for pure power, which does not change shape; That is, inheritance, as children and grandchildren are transformed into pawns to maintain and extend the monopoly of power. And here is what is striking, the power of inheritance is stronger than the truth of blood, and this is what Renera Targaryen discovers and adheres to: her children, even if they were objects of suspicion, must be the keepers of the pact, otherwise the whole kingdom and its values ​​will collapse.
The king is close to death, clinging to the prophecy and the decision to inherit his daughter, violating the norms and traditions, he is aware of the machinations around him, but war will inevitably take place. Here’s what’s remarkable about the series and its writing and construction: We know the ending and we’ve watched it, warning against “next winter” For us, it’s a matter of nostalgia, as we know the outcome, but we watch anyway. Here’s HBO’s surprising bet; Each episode forces us to reconsider what we know about dragons and their mates, and how their dynasty perished, and only the mother of dragons, Daenerys, survived, and even if we find an answer, we’ll still follow it.

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The series concluded and answered some of the questions blocked in “Conflict thronesEspecially with dragons, because we knew its history and more importantly, it ended like any first season of any series aired by HBO. He explains every detail and compares “House of the Dragon” with the book, and the first series (Game of Thrones) and everything that comes to mind, both are more like engines of analysis and content that will repeat until the first episode of the second season airs.
Is it possible to say that “House of the Dragon”, for all the perfection and caution in its fabrication and its response to the needs of the public and its obedience to political correctness, did not fall into the trap of nostalgia? The one who is accused of everything that is currently broadcasting. Yes and no, yes, because it lives, albeit directly, on the fame of the first series. And no, because it offers a unique, elaborate experience and an authentic story. However, who among us hasn’t watched or researched the crosses between this series and the previous one?

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