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House of orates – El Clarin de Chile

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Those who live secluded in a house of worship must be the happiest in society. Where from such a riddle? Perhaps on some occasion, you have thought so, when observing our life. In that place there are no worldly concerns, many of which disturb existence. Being crazy, or appearing to be crazy, could well constitute a special condition when facing reality. Dementia is often associated with ingenuity. There are thousands of examples. Artists who break with tradition, and if you like, with good customs, are accused of such. Erasmus of Rotterdam, in his brilliant work “The Praise of Folly”, abounds in the subject and the author satirizes human behavior, power in general. Associated with his friend Thomas More, another genius of the time, he creates a masterpiece, which to this day is admired for its lucidity.

Or perhaps you will think, true madness is found in the outside world, in everyday life, where everything seems to be legal, and between morality and immorality there is only a comma difference? Raising the theme in this way, a home intended for worshipers would be an appropriate refuge for those who wish to think, create, and enjoy life to the fullest. Get away from the convictions of society and the worldly noise. Surrender to meditation, away from convictions and aspire to wisdom. We often live in the wrong place when facing reality. Faced with this social mess, where everything seems allowed. So, living in the asylum would be the healthiest thing. Refuge where the first thing you achieve is to get away from a world in permanent moral decomposition, about to explode and end up disintegrating into the cosmos. When nothing surprises anymore, the cause of living begins to be questioned and the often asked question arises: What is the meaning of existing?

Thus man, for some, the center of the universe, is nothing more than an inhabitant who appeared on earth. He is a weed and intruder that corrupts everything. Where does he emerge from? It emerges after the dinosaurs and their presence, coming to disturb the natural order of our planet. He has disrupted the order and, brandishing his flaming sword, destroys everything in his path. He commits suicide every day and seems to enjoy such an attitude. Passion that is unknown where it comes from. Then, religions arise that insist on explaining the subject and for some centuries, they maintain the power of thought. At the same time, philosophy strives to untangle the skein, the infinity of reflections that arise daily, and their results fail to understand the cause of life and the reason for death.

Our planet has entered the maelstrom, and the hopes of remaining habitable do not exceed 500 years or less, according to some famous scientists. Others are more optimistic and speak of 550 years. Close to this limit of unavoidable catastrophe, human beings rush to commit suicide. He contaminates the house where he was born, the environment, fueled by passion and what was illegal yesterday is now legitimate. Do you perhaps aspire to end his stay on this planet and travel to another, where the “life” conditions are different? Our generation can only think about it and leave the topic open to future generations. Curiosity is infinite and only stupidity surpasses it.

Taking refuge now in a house of worship could be a good solution, intended for those who aspire to wisdom. To stay away from a society in rampant rot. To meditate. Over the years, due to poorly maintained gangrene, our social body became infected, determined to remain oblivious to its destruction. It is a matter of time, linked to time. The clock that will strike the end of the world is preparing to strike twelve. Afterwards, there will be no one to wind it up. The cockroaches, the only survivors, will remain dedicated to other work.

By Walter Garib

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