Home » today » World » House AfD leader Björn Höcke searched after Facebook post about refugees | Abroad

House AfD leader Björn Höcke searched after Facebook post about refugees | Abroad

According to German media, the prosecutor has been investigating Höcke for a year. The immediate cause was a photo that the politician posted on Facebook of the German captain Carola Rackete. He works for the rescue organization Sea-Watch. “I have imported torture, sexual assault, human trafficking and murder,” the photo said. The prosecution says that Höcke meant that refugees are guilty of this and that he wanted to incite people against migrants.

The AfD in Thuringia and Höcke have been seen as extremist by the prosecution since 11 May.

The AfD spokesman reacted angrily to the search. “The search of the chairman of the strongest opposition party in Thuringia is another low point in the abuse of justice against unwanted political opinions.” According to the spokesperson, the Facebook post falls under the freedom of expression.

Höcke is the founder of the far-right branch of AfD, der Flügel. That movement has since been discontinued, but would still have a lot of influence within the party.

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