Latest news and rumors house 2 for today November 25, 2023:
Ivan Barzikov returns to Moscow after a holiday at the Sheregesh ski resort, where he had fun with a fan. Are we waiting for Barzikov’s statement about leaving House 2?
Arai Chobanyan celebrated his birthday on November 24 with friends and acquaintances from House 2. But the main gift is ahead – Irina Pinchuk admitted that one of these days she may give birth to a second son. The blogger feels that the holidays in their family will continue.
Joseph Oganesyan went to St. Petersburg with his son for the birthday of the daughter of former House 2 participant Olga Zharikova. There he met his girlfriend Irina Penguinova and is going to spend several days in the cultural capital.
Daniil Sakhnov decided to make fun of the audience of House 2 and admitted that he would soon be the host of a television show. Are we expecting Daniel to complain about the influx of haters with curses and insults?
Anna Samonina received an advertisement for underwear, but she herself cannot control her external data and choose a job to her liking, since now all contracts with advertisers are carried out for her by Maxim Evstropov.
Alexandra Cherno and Kristina Bukhynbalte went with Yana Zakharova to Yegor Creed’s concert and met Alena Savkina’s ex-husband Ilya Semin there. Is this not an attempt on Cherno’s part to reconcile her friend with the father of her youngest son Svyatoslav?
A married man wrote to former House 2 participant Klavdia Bezverkhova about his sympathy, and Klava considered it necessary to inform his wife about this, which is why she had a scandal with her fan.
Ekaterina Skalon came to Polyana and took her things, but her appearance and communication with the participants of House 2 will not be broadcast. Was Scalon so guilty before the management of the TV show? Latest news house 2 from for today 11.25.2023 – The gender party of Tigran Salibekov and Victoria Lyskovets with the determination of the sex of the unborn child will take place on December 11. Will the future parents be able to maintain the intrigue and be the first to break the news to the couple’s fans, or will the editor of the project, Yana Fitkevich, tell their secret first?