Jakarta –
Hotman Paris became Venna Melinda’s attorney in the domestic violence case committed by Ferry Irawan. Meanwhile, Ferry Irawan, who is currently in prison, was represented by his attorney, Sunan Kalijaga. ‘Champions’ apparently also occurred between the two attorneys.
Not long ago, Venna Melinda confronted Sunan Kalijaga. This is related to the joke that Sunan Kalijaga will punish Venna Melinda if she does not return the items requested by Ferry Irawan. Firmly Venna Melinda asked for clarification directly from Sunan Kalijaga in front of her.
After being ‘attacked’ by Venna Melinda directly, Sunan immediately changed his statement. He then argued that the criminal threat was to educate the public, to which Venna Melinda responded firmly.
“If you want to educate, why do you have to go to the public? Those who are holding my Ferry goods can subpoena me,” said Venna Melinda.
Seeing this, Hotman Paris laughed. He made an upload on Instagram containing a mockery of Sunan Kalijaga.
Hotman Paris bluntly said he had succeeded in training Venna Melinda to argue. He is also satisfied because his team can work very well without even having to intervene.
“Ha ha, it’s enough for the ladies that I trained for 15 minutes to be able to debate and hooray at the forefront!” wrote Hotman Paris in the upload.
“That’s why you don’t have to press conferences all the time!! Look at this laugh!! There are a lot of people going down against the mothers!! Especially if it’s Hotman who goes down !!” he continued.
Still on Instagram, but in another upload, Hotman Paris again teased Sunan Kalijaga, who argued that he asked for Ferry Irawan’s goods.
In the video, Sunan Kalijaga chooses to stay away from the crowd and media spotlight. He turned over to his colleague to provide an explanation.
“Fight the mothers? Why are you going!! Ha ha, what’s important is that it’s on TV, isn’t it? Vena on the right: Assistant junior Hotman! Enough for the juniors!! Ha ha! When is the conpres again,” Hotman said.
In a different upload, Hotman Paris again made an upload with a mocking tone.
“Ha ha when women show their guts! Hotman laughs when he sees his opponent in a loss! Fight mother and mother at a loss! How is it like Hotman, sometimes you face Caucasians in international cases !!” he wrote.