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Hotman Paris Apologizes for Dewa Shiva Music Use in DJ’s Atlas Track

Controversy Erupts Over ‍Visual ‍Display of Dewa Shiva at Atlas Super Club

BALI – A recent incident at the Atlas Super Club in Bali has sparked a important controversy, drawing the attention of local authorities and community leaders. The incident involved a visual display ⁢of Dewa Shiva during a DJ party, which has led ‍to⁣ a heated debate within the community.

The controversy unfolded during a Piduka teacher ceremony held at the Atlas Super Club. This ceremony,which coincided with the party of Saraswati Day in Bali,was attended by hundreds of Atlas employees,most of whom are Hindu. Non-hindu employees ​also witnessed the⁢ event from outside the⁢ temple.

The visual display of Dewa Shiva during the DJ party has ​become​ a focal point of the polemic. Traditional village leader I⁣ Wayan Kumarayasa expressed his hope ⁤that such ​incidents would not be repeated, emphasizing the ​need to reduce community friction. “Hopefully, it will not ⁢be repeated and can reduce the polemic in the community,”⁢ Kumarayasa said.

Badung ‌DPRD ⁤member I Wayan Sandra ⁤echoed ‌these sentiments, urging entertainment businesses in Bali to be more mindful of sensitive issues to prevent community discord. “It can’t happen anymore. So the kids know what to do and what they can’t,” Sandra stated.

In ⁢response to ⁣the incident, ‌the ​Atlas Super Club issued a statement emphasizing that the offense to religious values was unintentional, classifying the incident as ‍a technical and procedural mishap. Tommy Dimas, the spokesperson for Atlas, further noted that the club had submitted a written statement to relevant agencies, pledging their commitment to avoiding such incidents in the future.The incident has drawn⁤ widespread attention, notably in light of Bali’s rich‌ cultural and religious heritage. Bali‍ is renowned for its harmonious blend‍ of Hindu traditions ‌and tourism, making incidents like⁣ this particularly sensitive. The local community and authorities are working together to ensure that such controversies do not undermine the island’s ‌reputation for cultural tolerance and ​respect.For‌ more on this developing story, visit Detikbali.


Interview: Responding to Religious Controversy in Bali’s Nightlife

Editor’s ‌Introduction:

A ⁣recent incident at ​the Atlas Super Club ​in Bali has sparked​ a debate about cultural sensitivity and religious respect. This​ interview explores the responses and pledges from local authorities and the club, emphasizing the importance of harmony in Bali’s cultural landscape.

Editor: How have local authorities reacted to⁣ this incident?

I Wayan Kumarayasa, ⁤Badung DPRD Member:

We hope such ⁣incidents will‌ not be repeated, emphasizing the need ⁢to ‍reduce community friction. ​”Hopefully, it will not be​ repeated ‍and ⁢can‍ reduce⁢ the polemic in the community,” ‍Kumarayasa said.

Editor: What role do ‍entertainment ‌businesses play in‌ maintaining social harmony?

I ‍Wayan Sandra, Badung DPRD Member:

We ⁢urge entertainment businesses in Bali to be more mindful of sensitive issues to prevent community discord.​ “It can’t happen anymore. So the ⁢kids no what to do​ and what​ they can’t,” ​Sandra stated.

editor: How has‍ Atlas Super Club addressed the incident and what steps are ⁤they taking to ⁤prevent future ⁢occurrences?

Tommy Dimas, Spokesperson for Atlas Super club:

The club issued a statement emphasizing that the offence to religious values was unintentional, classifying the incident as a technical and procedural mishap. “The offense‍ to religious values was unintentional, classifying the⁢ incident as a technical and procedural mishap,” Tommy Dimas said. We have submitted a writen ⁣statement​ to relevant agencies,pledging our ⁤commitment to avoiding such incidents in the ​future.

Editor: How meaningful is this incident considering Bali’s cultural‍ and religious heritage?

Tommy Dimas, Spokesperson for atlas Super Club:

This incident has drawn widespread attention, notably in‌ light of Bali’s rich cultural ‍and religious heritage. Bali is ​renowned for ‌its harmonious blend‍ of Hindu traditions and tourism, making incidents like ⁢this notably sensitive. The local community ⁣and authorities‍ are working together to ensure that such controversies do ⁣not undermine⁢ the island’s reputation for cultural tolerance and respect.

Editor: ⁤Can ‌you provide more insights into the steps being⁤ taken to resolve this issue?

I Wayan Kumarayasa, ⁢Badung​ DPRD​ Member:

“Hopefully, this‌ will set a precedent for​ future events⁣ to⁤ ensure cultural sensitivity and harmony,” Kumarayasa added.We ​are working closely with the authorities to implement measures that will respect and protect the​ cultural heritage of Bali while safeguarding the interests of the tourism industry.

editor: How can the public ⁢stay informed about the progress of these measures?

Tommy Dimas, Spokesperson⁤ for Atlas Super club:

For‍ more on this developing ‍story, visit detikbali.

Editor’s conclusion:

The incident at Atlas Super Club highlights the importance of cultural sensitivity in Bali’s tourism industry. Local authorities and the⁣ club have committed to⁢ taking measures to ‌prevent future occurrences and maintain the island’s⁢ reputation ‍for tolerance ​and respect. This​ interview underscores the collaborative efforts to protect Bali’s cultural heritage while fostering a harmonious ⁣habitat for both locals‍ and visitors.

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